Original Post

23-6-2010 22:50
Steve, 25 yo boy, home appointment, FS (he was bottom)

Name: Steve
Link: http://www.00069.com/SzManX0504/ or  http://www.hkgaystar.com/photo_hk/zhuanti.asp?typeid=1181
Face: (3)/5
Body: (4)/5
Estimated age: (25)
Skill: (4)/5
Service: (4)/5
Total Damage: HKD 1500
Detailed account of the experience:

This one was easy, he responded right away to my text with translated english and caused no issue. he arrived half an hour later. I like his short body with a lot of muscle, and a nice small layer of fat on top of the muscles.

Good boyfriend experience again. On arrival he went straight for the shower, I went after him. Once in bed, he did do everything right, he was not going to do a BJ but I asked for one, and he obliged, although it was short, nothing like a short BJ to fee like fucking an arsewhole.
kiss: yes, but not deep.
licking: yes
smell of his body: Ok, could have cleaned up a little better his armpits.
dick: quite big as you can see in the picture, well it fits nicely in the hand.
Fucking: great arse, and was doing all he could to get me deep, deep, deep inside him, lots of body movements to try and give a lot of pleasure.
We did 4 positions: coyboy first, then mish, then lying on the side, then finally doggy, all of these without ever exiting his arse. I came while dong doggy. After that he went for a shower, and didn't come back for a hug. but dressed up straight away. That is when I took the real pic.

Conclusion: I think I would try again
Overall score: (8)/10

Pics: the last pic is the real one.

[ Last edited by  tarte at 24-6-2010 23:46 ]

atomic3d 24-6-2010 04:05 Karma +1 Excellent
atomic3d 24-6-2010 04:05 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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