Original Post

17-6-2010 03:14

Originally posted by kevlar at 17-6-2010 01:09
Hi Bros

I was wondering what would happen if you end up over spending on a WG and found out that you don't have enough cash in hand?

I think this is possible e.g. you end up giving her anal and she  ...

What would anybody do in any situation, get more money.  There several things you can do:

1. Go to the bank with the girl and withdrawn the money, is the BEST OPTION.
    If closed, use your ATM.  Do not leave her in the room when you go.

2. In the USA / Canada believe or it or not, you can use your credit card in some places.
    In Macau, the saunas allow you to use credit cards.

3. "Call a friend" or use your "mobile shout out" to borrow money.

4. I recall someone gave an old but working laptop. Give her something valuable for exchange

5. Kick her out and not pay. Say, bad service but you are asking for it.

6. Buy life insurance and medical insurance before leaving hotel.

7. Get ready to fight 10 guys in the street and be robbed of everything.  Bad option

8. You could kill the girl which I don't recommend.   

9. Call Western Union to wire cash, it might be too late then

10. Call the cops or hotel security for help, i don't recommend


I could see someone going to a high end KTV and spending thousand of dollars for the bill. When it's time for the girl to leave your hotel, you don't have enough left for her.  Another possibility is losing your wallet.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 18-6-2010 12:47 ]

DArtagnan 18-6-2010 12:19 Acceptance +3 LOL!

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