Original Post

14-6-2010 09:44

Originally posted by ValleyKing at 13-6-2010 00:24
What is the advice of other brothers on the best locations for sex and to prevent the Mrs. and friends seeing me out and about with this KTV girl? ...

1. Establish a no-fly zone.  Absolutely avoid anywhere that
   Mrs might go
   her friends might go
   your friends might go
   your work colleagues might go
for work, for shopping, socially, or for leisure.  Only meet your girl in areas that are completely off the beaten track for you and your extended family.  You WILL be seen.  

2. make a list of hourly hotels outside of the no-fly zone, and visit each one on a random basis.  There's a very good thread on Hourly hotels posted in the forum (use Search).  

3. build a list of excuses, that Mrs hates to do, for you being AWOL
   are you allowed to go to the gym, for example?
   does she hate golf?
   do you have to entertain out-of-town visitors perhaps?  

4. watch out for smells: the soap in the hotel and her perfume are especially powerful give-aways to a woman.  Carry your own cologne (and have an excuse for carrying it), have an excuse for having had a shower during the day, buy Mrs and your girl the same brand of perfume at the same time, etc.  

5. remember to keep Mrs happy.  Very happy.  
   Be attentive any time you are together
   make a point of going with her on some of her favourite activities  
   Make sure she's sexually satisfied  
If she's feeling looked after she's more likely to choose to ignore any circumstantial evidence you might inadvertently reveal.

sirtiger 18-6-2010 04:23 Acceptance +1 dude knows!

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