How many of you are truly happy?
Seriously, how many of you are TRUELY happy just mongering all the time and punting here and there.
For me, i have been in HK for one year and been mongering on a regular basis, but in this one year time.
I didnt think i was truely happy, not because of the level of service or the lack of pretty WGs, but because
my life is empty with no real friends, no love, no relationship, etc.
I am not asking the men with wives or girlfriend, but single person like myself in HK.
So, are you truely happy? Even you know you have a giant pool of girls to select from and give you sex all
the time. So what? For me, i visit WG because i have a sexual desire and urge to release.
But after the 30min-1hr of fun, you go back to your miserable lonely life until the next punt.
If you ask me, i really would just rather look for a long term relationship with one girl and stay with her only.
I feel sick of myself having to resort to paying for WGs, but since i am neither rich nor handsome,
HK girls (the pretty ones) would not want to date me.
It is very depressing something, but WGs is all i have. So, all you single guys mongering and punting?
You guys are truely happy with your life? | |