Original Post

3-1-2010 06:05

The argument isn't whether Lucy Lui (or whoever) is THE standard of beauty, but whether a culture is broad enoughto have many different standards of beauty.  Here in the States we went through our own phase many decades ago of having a singular standard for female beauty.  Since then beauty that is distinctive, and the breadth of looks that brings with it, has become the common standard.

That means that 50 years ago you might have been a social outcast for dating an Asian (Hispanic, Black, Redhead) chick, now 'you da man!' for scoring such a 'hottie.'

I submit that Lucy Lui is attractive precisely because she has a distinctive look (and a hard-body )

Broad, diverse standards of beauty are enlightened, AND the path to more sex.   Yeah that's right, I said the path to more sex grasshopper.  Imagine if your esthetics were soooooo broad that you could fuck hairy, sweaty fat chicks.  Think about it: those girls are so desperate you'd have your pick of the pig litter.  You'd literally be getting BJs morning, noon, night and at tea time.  And don't even get me started on the butt sex, everybody knows fat girlsluuuuuuv butt sex!

pisser 3-1-2010 13:14 Acceptance +1 3rd para - EXACTLY!

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