Original Post

13-11-2009 01:29
Reply #7 angst's post

Kelly looks absolutely like her DB picture!  Incredible...  Is that a first?

I've provided a Google translation of her review below for those who do not read Chinese.  I think it sums up the experience pretty well...  

Have fun, CGP

Find Japanese 14 earn very little resistance to relative KELLY AD than a dozen pairs of legs instantly attracted to formulate a set the night on the water long-legged crab

Appearance: Beauty in a melon seeds face COOL
Body: Microwave fresh legs, but the Department of the Department of leg is absolutely first-class one
attitude: personally COOL
Showers: General Ye are a few well-meaning machine Well conversation flow sharing techniques: novice non-baa teach listening skills to speak of, but all call

Process: to go to know that no one on the old point life-Chung Liang Guo ZHANG Xiang-ming, not even really change the Department of AD relative to a lot of women too Sealy Jurchen Chung Liang lead mirror watching a really long legs right before the Department of incredible cars Li a car Zaiqu showers, but a few well-intentioned novice machine to help me showers Well cooked, but a good gentle way out of the Department of the main stems back to play right foot sliding legs plus a dialogue Department of Xiaoman Yao really is incredible to know the market best I Department of novice Under the initiative all the way to do touch on the right foot all the way male and female plug on the primary sub-riding paparazzi finish up power transfer

Play essential expenditures on big-wave on the line as if I , but under the legs to play either a novice pilot will truly return to ruminate boys & girls, long legs...

TheButler 29-12-2009 12:45 Acceptance +3 roflmao! My dream girl/microwave!

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