Reply #13 Marsupial's post
The best estimates that I've seen in the past, based on large population surveys I think, was that the risk of infection per encounter with an HIV infected partner was between 30-60% for plain old heterosexual intercourse. Sorry, I don't remember if that was for the woman only or the man as well; since it's generally assumed that the receiving partner is at higher risk (one of the reasons that HIV was so easily spread in the male, gay population; a gay guy is both pitching and catching).
I wonder how that 1 in 10,000 stat plays in Uganda where over 1/3 of the population is infected? At 1 in 10,000 the whole country would have to be fucking non-stop to get to 1/3 wouldn't they?
Anyway, I stopped looking at this stuff long ago so maybe the data has been updated. Clearly no one is going to be able to do a clinical trial on this, but by using very large groups of patients and diligent research you start to get a more useful answer than Q&A with an online doc. | |