Original Post

19-6-2009 11:47
How to play Dou-Di-Zhu

here's some chinese instructions i found of the net..


1. Opposing teams

a 遊戲分成兩方對戰。地主一方由其中一位玩家擔任,另外二人則為對抗的一方。
a. The game is split into 2 teams. Banker on 1 side, the other 2 will team up as 1 team.

b 玩家可在押注幕中選擇遊戲點數。
b. Place your bets.

2. Distribution of cards

a 由三人同玩,用一副牌,每人17張牌,剩餘的三張牌為底牌,當選出地主時,底牌加到地主的手上。
a. One deck (including 2 jokers) will be distributed. 17 cards each, the remaining 3 cards will be taken by the Banker.

3. Playing of cards

a. 首先將三張底牌交給地主,這三張底牌所有人都能看到。由地主開始出牌,輪到玩家時可以選擇Pass不跟或  按『提示』找出可跟之牌形〈當玩家連續按時則依順序大小找出可跟 之牌形〉。
a. The 3 cards taken by the Banker must be shown to everyone. Banker will start the first hand. Players can choose to pass.

b. 出牌時必需比埸牌大,同數值或較小的牌不可丟出。
b. Next playing hand's combination must be bigger than the current hand.

c .遊戲以順時針反向進行,輪流出牌直到某一方的牌出完遊戲便結束。
c. Game will played clock-wise, until one player has no more cards.

d. 玩家在每一輪中有15秒的時間出牌。
d. Player must play a hand or pass in 15secs.

Calling Points

a. 叫分按出牌的順序輪流開始叫分,每人只能叫一次分,叫分可叫〝1分〞〝2分〞〝3分〞 或不叫,所叫的分數為『叫牌的底分』,分數叫的高積分贏的多,輸的也多。叫完後分 數最大者為地主。
a. Calling of Points start at each round, each person can Call Points once, "1 point" "2 point" "3 point" or "Don't call".
The more you call, the more you win, but also the more you lose. The one with most points will be the banker in next round.

b 如果在一圈之內全部選擇不叫牌,則重新發牌,然後重新開始叫分。
b. If nobody play cards in one round, cards will be reshuffled, redistributed and Calling of Points again.

i also dunno what the hell Calling Points mean...

5. Correct playing hand

a. 火箭:
a. Rocket:

A pair of jokers. Can beat any combination and is the Biggest combination.

b .炸彈:
b. Bomb:

四張同數值的牌〈即鐵支〉,除了火箭及比自己大的炸彈以外其 他的牌型都可以打。
Four of a kind, other than Rocket, this can beat any other combination.

c. 單牌:
c. Single card

Any one card.

d. 對牌:
d. Pairs:

Any 2 cards of the same number.

e. 三張牌:
e. Three of a kind:

Any 3 cards of the same number (e.g 555)

f. 三帶一手:
f. Three + others:

數值相同的三張牌 + 一張單牌或一對牌。
例如:333 + 5 或333 + 55
Three of a kind + 1 card or 1 pair.
e.g. 333 + 5 or 333 + 55

g. 單順:
g. Straight:

例如:45678 或 345678910JQ…
5 or more cards of the same sequence, not including 2 and jokers and they need not be of same suit.
e.g. 45678 or 345678910JQ...

h. 雙順:
h. Double Straight:

例如:445566 或 7788991010JJQQ
3 pairs or more in sequence, not including 2 or jokers.
e.g. 445566 or 7788991010JJQQ

i. 三順:
i. Triple Straight:

例如:333444 或 555666777
2 or more sets of three-of-a-kind in sequence, not including 2 or jokers, also called as Aeroplane without Wings.
e.g. 333444 or 555666777

j. 飛機帶翅膀:
j. Aeroplane with Wings.

例如:333444 + 79 或 333444 + 557788
Triple Straights + same amount of cards. i don't really understand this...
e.g. 333444 + 79 or 333444 + 557788

k. 四帶二:
k. 4 plus 2:

例如:555 5+ 3 +8 或 5555 + 77 + 99
4-of-a-kind + any 2 combination
e.g. 5555 + 3 + 8 or 5555 + 77 + 99

6. Combinations' strength.

a. 火箭是最大的牌型,炸彈,除了火箭及比自己大的牌外,比其他的都大。
a. Rocket is the biggest combination, Bomb is 2nd biggest.

b. 只有當牌型相同和總張數相同的牌,才可比較大小。其中像三帶一、三帶二、飛機帶翅膀、四帶二等。
b. Must be of same type of combination and total card value must be bigger.

c .組合牌型,只要比較其牌數最多的牌值就行。只有比當前出的埸牌大的牌才可出。
c. Suit does not count in this game.
e.g. When previous hand is 34567, you must play 45678 to win, even though you might have a 34567 (7 spade)

[ Last edited by  kaka at 19-6-2009 15:50 ]

mizunofan 22-6-2009 23:28 Acceptance +3 thanks for translation!

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