To clarify - does PD really mean physically disabled? I think you are pulling our legs. Our physically disabled legs.
It has to mean something else - I don't think these sites are here with public service and health and safety primarally in mind.
And I wonder how the conversation goes with the site organisers and the WG's?
141: "So, ah, will you do it with a guy with one leg or one arm?"
WG: "Yep"
141: "How about a guy like that guy who walks on his hands like in the movie Shallow Hal?"
WG: "No problem."
141: "What if he's 85 years old in a wheel chair?"
WG: "Fine"
141: "Quadraplegic?"
WG: "No worries."
141: "Excellent. We'll sign you up for some PD Service. I'll just get the handyman to pop in and install some hand rails in your shower."
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