Subject: Fuji Building - PRC girl - avg punt
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 12-6-2016 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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Fuji Building - PRC girl - avg punt

Date & Time of Session: Early June, Early Afternoon
Location: 18F-A2 Fuji Building - Causeway Bay
Nationality & Language: PRC & Mando
Face: 6/10 looked good from far away.  looked like 30s close up  
Body: 7/10 slim with some fat in the tummy area.  Nice B cups.  Nice smooth skin  
Skill: 7/10 CBJ was not enough suction
Service: 6/10 nothing special
Price & Session Length: 480 & 20-25 min  
Repeat: No

This was my 1st time in the Fuji building.  Much nicer than King Hing and good strong AC on the ground floor.  I guess I went too early as 90% of the place was wait signs.  After going from the top to bottom more than once, I settled for what looked like the best option at the time.

There's isn't really much to say about this punt.  I went in and we showered together.  While I was getting a CBJ, I roamed my hands through her smooth body and nice tits.  Tried to touch the V, but wouldnt let me.  CBJ was short and light on the suction   She started with the squating CG and then we went into mish.  Didnt take long and I We took a shower together again and I got the feeling she wanted me out so I paid and left.  She did say she's been here in the past and I think she can only stay 7 days at a time.

Recent Ratings
LeoCan   13-6-2016 00:28  Acceptance  +3   

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