Subject: Shanghai - Current Status?
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Post at 5-3-2014 15:19  Profile P.M. 
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Shanghai - Current Status?

I know that there is a crackdown currently on going in CP and the Dong Guan area. However, some of my friends in China said it has affected other regions as well.

I will be going to Shanghai next week and just wanted to know the current status of the city. Are the saunas such as Bodi and Siyuan still open? Any restrictions for entrance such
as being a regular? I know Bodi accepts foreign credit cards, how about other saunas?

This will be my first time going to Shanghai and I wanted to check out a couple saunas before moving on to Kunshan where I have a local friend who can take me around.

Thanks in advance!
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Post at 5-3-2014 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tamade's post

Was at Siyuan last night with 14 punters at the front desk and throngs inside the change room. I walked in and walked straight out.

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tamade   6-3-2014 14:49  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the update! Seems like I will have to try to go outside of peak hours.
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Post at 26-3-2014 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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Been a few times before 7pm I find around 4-5pm to be the best time as most girls are there and its not as busy.
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Post at 28-3-2014 19:02  Profile P.M. 
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Posted a report in the China section, but I did check out Siyuan while I was in Shanghai. Seems that business was affected as there were maybe 5 other guys there, but this was past midnight.

Just a FYI, but it was perfect for me as the wait was minimal and didn't have to rush to select a girl at the fish bowl.
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Post at 1-4-2014 08:57  Profile P.M. 
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I haven't been to Siyuan, but according to the reviews of Siyuan on Happy Massage, this place was busy, but many girls were available for selecting. The service of girls seemed to be good.

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MothToAFlame   6-4-2014 20:28  Acceptance  +1   Happy massage has its uses but up to date sitreps aren't one of them ;-)

hey man, your soap was dropped...
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Post at 6-4-2014 20:34  Profile P.M. 
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I've heard reports suggesting that Pattaya is still going strong
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Post at 14-5-2014 10:21  Profile P.M.  QQ
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Any word if Bodi has been affected - that's a long taxi ride if closed
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Post at 15-5-2014 09:13  Profile P.M. 
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shanghai scene

Chairman Xi is about to visit Shanghai hence the operators are all laying low until further notice.  Got this information from a sauna PPS that I use.  My favourite MMS has stopped responding, therefore I fear the worst for her.
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Post at 18-5-2014 14:07  Profile P.M. 
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SH and Pattaya

Just returned from an attempt.
Both places "Meo"- pitch black dark floor at the Shanghai Hotel, concierge said it closed down, and Pattaya also closed.
Couldn`t confirm if this is a temporary closure...
So you better have someone call and check before you try.
SH: 6248-1616
Pattaya 6417-4966
Both according to their business cards

Good luck
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Post at 18-5-2014 23:23  Profile P.M. 
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Well, this seems to be the explanation!  News on shanghai nightlife guide
With hope for all the pleasure-seekers out there that things will calm down again....

http://www.shanghai-nightlife-gu ... uggestion/hot-news/

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