Subject: public service announcement: club bboss closing
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 22-6-2012 20:48  Profile P.M. 
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public service announcement: club bboss closing

heard they'll be closing sometime next month, go if you were thinking about it!
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Post at 23-6-2012 05:19  Profile P.M. 
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that's a shame... it's use to be a legendary place! I guess it just cant compete with the likes of 141s anymore....
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Post at 23-6-2012 06:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 xusic's post

Is this Boss that is located on a roof top. You have to take an elevator up. When taking the elevator you can see most of Macau. The pool has a nice view of the Macau ?  I once knew a manager that gave me a freebie. Sadly he left a few years ago.
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Post at 23-6-2012 11:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Weelock's post

This nightclub is a hk institution and is located in TST east
Lustful Lord
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Post at 23-6-2012 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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End of an Era

Popped my cherry at BBOSS some years ago.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 23-6-2012 16:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Weelock's post

Bboss is behind ChinaChem Golden Plaza in TST East.
End of Moody Road and then left on Sience Museum Rd.

It was most famous about 20 years ago when called Club Volvo.
Later they had to change name.
A fantastic place. Entrance in G/F.
They had a car to drive you to your seat.
Expensive , but fun.  

The roof top club I think is Club de Hong Kong. Also in TST East.
Tsim Sha Tsoi Centre.  If they still open.

Both worth a try , at least to have something to tell your grandson about.  

Many clubs have closed in TSTE. One of the better was China City.
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Post at 23-6-2012 16:26  Profile P.M. 
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Not sure if I want to make a new thread... but is there a non-sleazy strip club in hong kong? A real strip club with poles/or without where you can just *watch* like the proper ones in london... have a meal and watch some women do a bit of strip dancing

The ones I know of in HK are all trashy.... and I heard goodfellas closed down - if anyone knows of a gentleman stripclub (non sexual), do let me know. I have clients who likes these kind of joints back in london but they're unhappy about the ones here.

[ Last edited by  asurada00 at 23-6-2012 16:27 ]
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 23-6-2012 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by asurada00 at 23-6-2012 16:26
Not sure if I want to make a new thread... but is there a non-sleazy strip club in hong kong? A real strip club with poles/or without where you can just *watch* like the proper ones in london... have  ...

If they had one, I'd be all over it.  so many times after work I wouldn't mind going to a normal strip club and just chilling out for 20-30 minutes watching some girl gyrate on a pole.
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Post at 23-6-2012 23:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by xusic at 23-6-2012 23:24

If they had one, I'd be all over it.  so many times after work I wouldn't mind going to a normal strip club and just chilling out for 20-30 minutes watching some girl gyrate on a pole.

Yup. Most of the ones here kinda comes with sex/hookers, it's rare to find a strip/nude bar around here. I actually searched for 20 min online without finding anything, the closest is as a mentioned, Goodfellas (closed/moved near to wooloomoomoo) and Bisous HK
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Post at 28-6-2012 13:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 asurada00's post

Say what...wooloomoomoo?? Where TF is that?

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