Subject: English speaking TST
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Post at 18-10-2010 18:54  Profile P.M. 
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English speaking TST

In HK for just 1 night this Sunday and was looking for an English speaking walk-up or hotel reservation recommedation in TST.

Or can the info on the girls be trusted enough?

Or should I just stay in Hari's Bar at my hotel?



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Post at 20-10-2010 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pinkhunter66's post

Don't trust the info on the DB - it's usually not accurate. There's a Chinese HG by the name of Alice, who speaks excellent English. Not sure if she's still around but try searching the DB for her. I also wrote a report on her so have a look if you're interested. If English-speaking is a must for you, Hari's Bar or walkups might be better options than HG, since you'd be able to find out how proficient they are in English before agreeing to a session.
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Post at 20-10-2010 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pinkhunter66's post

James the agent used to speak good English. not sure now after the re-org. do a search for James or James Bond.

on the other hand, Hari's bar is a good idea too if you wanna see the ladies before you go talk to them.
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Post at 21-10-2010 14:14  Profile P.M. 
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Also in town for a couple of days, thinking of the bars tonight and HG tomorrow...

where is Hari's???

Any recommendation for Wan Chai bars, good atmosphere, maybe and band, and selection of WG's?


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Post at 22-10-2010 01:00  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Fudgie at 21-10-2010 14:14
Also in town for a couple of days, thinking of the bars tonight and HG tomorrow...

where is Hari's???

Any recommendation for Wan Chai bars, good atmosphere, maybe and band, and selection of WG's?


for wan chai bars, you can go to lockhart road and check around. there are many bars on that street and some bars have bands inside too.
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Post at 22-10-2010 01:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pinkhunter66's post & #4 Fudgie's post

Everything you need to know about Hari's Bar and various bars in Wan Chai is here Bros:


[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 22-10-2010 01:08 ]

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