Subject: Outcall to hotels in WanChai, Hong Kong
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Post at 29-9-2010 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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Outcall to hotels in WanChai, Hong Kong

i'm going to be in HK for 2 nights tomorrow staying in WanChai. since i'm new to the forum, don't have time to build up RA before i leave so can someone recommend any girls that provide outcall service to hotels in WanChai?

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Post at 29-9-2010 19:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 friedrice123's post

Just check out the 141DB and call the number. Ask the agent and see if an outcall could be arranged. You may have to take a double session and pay for the cab fare. Good luck.
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Post at 30-9-2010 01:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 friedrice123's post

Or just be brave and call a Wanchai hotel girl's agent, have Google Maps handy to find the hotel, and walk there. The hotels are easy to find, not far.
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Post at 30-9-2010 10:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by friedrice123 at 29-9-2010 19:20
i'm going to be in HK for 2 nights tomorrow staying in WanChai. since i'm new to the forum, don't have time to build up RA before i leave so can someone recommend any girls that provide outcall servic ...

Jeez, if you're staying in Wan Chai get your ass down some of the bars, you can take your pick and take them back

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bananaone   6-7-2011 11:32  Acceptance  +1   common sense i guess ;)

Keep on mongering....

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