Originally posted by snowcrash at 29-9-2010 16:09
Anyone know if the mamasans at the saunas in china are available for p4p?
i was at the eurasia sauna in CP...had a great time with the gals there, but was really attracted to one of the mms's there.
YES, it's definitely possible. Not all, but the majority of the mommies are former working girls. One thing to note, most don't want their girls or anyone else know that they are sleeping around. Just ask her out for a dinner date and see what happens.
One member on 141 who I went with to the Mayflower KTV, picked up a mommie as a freebie last year. I also know someone else sleeps with a mommie in Shenzhen as a freebie from time to time. Once a mommie asked was she possible after I turned down her girls in Shenzhen. She was asking for a higher price than her girls. My friends said she's good looking but not worth the price. I think Geoduck have some experience picking up some mommies recently.
Last edited by Weelock at 30-9-2010 04:45 ]