Subject: 30 karmas
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Post at 27-9-2010 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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30 karmas

so many photos are restricted to above 30 karmas lah! anyone aware of shortcuts? It's a shame not to share useful info with brothers

there are many who are suffereing from lack of juice release with karma shortage

if you know the shortcut, would much appreciate your advice so that I can have my river flowing again

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captaincaveman   28-9-2010 02:51  Karma  -3   what kind of post is this
captaincaveman   28-9-2010 02:51  Acceptance  -3   what kind of post is this
geoduck   28-9-2010 01:22  Karma  -4   Why don't u share your experiences 1st
barney.winkel   28-9-2010 00:57  Acceptance  -2   don't blame others for lack of juice re
lister01   27-9-2010 23:00  Acceptance  -1   WANKER!!
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 27-9-2010 22:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 malayqueen's post

you have to earn your way up the ranks.

read the Forum Etiquette thread in the Getting Started section before you proceed in this forum . As a newbie you will need to know the guidelines
for participating in this forum.

We encourage quality participation here oppose to irrlevant questions & comments which was discussed here.  Also search is your friend.
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Post at 27-9-2010 22:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 malayqueen's post

WTF... " lack of juice release with karma shortage"...

Bro. This forum is for guys who actually have sex with girls, not their computer screens.

If you just want to see the pics so you can wank, you should not be here.

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Post at 27-9-2010 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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and the RA of 30 is fairly easy to obtain with just a few reports.  it gets more difficult afterwards so stop complaining and start reporting
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Post at 28-9-2010 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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Yes RA30 is very easy to achieve so why don't you start with a report and sharing some of your photos here instead of asking impertinent questions.
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Post at 28-9-2010 02:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 malayqueen's post

first of all it is RA 30 not karma 30. another thing photos are not information. the report is information. i mean just imagine

if all we did was just put up pics then it wouldn't be 141 anymore. third i think it would be a slap in the face if someone

found a loop hole to cheat the system. fourth i wasn't nor anyone else was put on this earth to help you get you off. i do

have a question how old are you?
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Post at 28-9-2010 06:47  Profile P.M. 
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The Short Cut...

Bro, CLICK HERE for the link to the short cut. ENJOY and remember to change hands every 5 minutes.
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Post at 28-9-2010 12:53  Profile P.M. 
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PM me!!!!


start shagging some WGs then report it!!! thats the only way..
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Post at 28-9-2010 19:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sitonmyface69 at 28-9-2010 12:53
PM me!!!!


start shagging some WGs then report it!!! thats the only way..


Contribution and participation is the key to advancement on this forum.....


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CunningLinguist   29-9-2010 02:56  Acceptance  +1   No free steaks either, it seems ~ LOL!
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Post at 29-9-2010 08:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 Rico's post

Rico, what happened to you man? where are your HK reports?
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Post at 30-9-2010 03:47  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DaBestHK at 29-9-2010 08:11
Rico, what happened to you man? where are your HK reports?

I have just edited and re-edited my International report on my time in Japan....It was four A4 paper long...

Now about my Hong Kong report....RICO has done a clean sweep of Kowloon City but am only gonna report on 29 Southwall Road...

I found the talent in Kowloon City to be " VERY POOR" this time around...

Will submit both reports tomorrow...

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