Subject: State of mongering in Macau?
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Post at 27-8-2010 06:05  Profile P.M. 
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State of mongering in Macau?

My long awaited trip back to Macau is almost here, but judging from the reports in the Macau section lately the situation doesn't look very promising.

I have two weeks most likely we'll have to take the good and the bad.

I've only been to D1, the racetrack and one more place with a big lineup, but I was too drunk to remember where it was.

What are your best picks for saunas and KTVs in Macau bros?
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Post at 27-8-2010 07:45  Profile P.M. 
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The quality in Macau has taken a bit of a dip lately but it's still a worthwhile place to go to by all means. D1 should still be good so if you enjoyed it before, you will still.

As for Saunas, my personal favorite was Rio until I heard of the recent bad experiences by other bros, 18 is probably the one I would go to now. As for KTV, I would probably want to try the new one at Lisboa called Prestige, check out bro Geoduck's reports.
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Post at 27-8-2010 08:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 12uronin's post

I've only been to D1, the racetrack and one more place with a big lineup, but I was too drunk to remember where it was.

Big lineup, probably 18 as everyone who visits this place are in awe of the massive number of girls on parade.

Given you are there for 2 weeks, why not try all establishments - East, Sanado, Golden, Rio, etc. - you only live once whilst you can find out which establishment that you would like (since everyone has their own preference).
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Post at 28-8-2010 00:07  Profile P.M. 
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I have to go to Macau this weekend for buissness. It's not my first time in Macau, but will be my first time sampling the WG's there.

Any advice on which Sauna is good for a first timer? I'm thinking of either East or 18 based on the reports i've read. Plus i'm trying to keep the cost somewhat down say around 2K at most.

And advice?
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Post at 28-8-2010 01:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Mackfg's post

Saunas are pretty packed during the weekend. If cost is a concern then I would recommend Sanado for a good time
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Post at 28-8-2010 01:36  Profile P.M. 
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Luck bastard, being there for 2 weeks.

I am lucky to have 2 hours to spend there but I guess I'll stay and spend my money in HK, it's better value but less fun.
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Post at 28-8-2010 05:33  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the advice bros.

I think I'm going to be very sore by the end of the trip as I work my way down the lists.

Hopefully I'll be able to sneak off to HK and try a few of these legendary ones I keep reading about.

Counting down the hours...
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Post at 28-8-2010 05:53  Profile P.M. 
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Is there a list somewhere in the site (I cant find it)  that separates out saunas that have everything (like 18 and Rio) vs. places that are missing some items (missing things like table showers in the rooms) vs. places that are more like whore houses?  

That would be interesting to know and would provide us newbies with more info to use when we get the chance to visit Macau but donthave much time.   

Much appreciated....
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Post at 28-8-2010 13:06  Profile P.M. 
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Bro.. Senado!! haha.. my favorite one so far.... if price really is an issue, then Golden Sauna (close to the Holiday Inn I think?) is cheaper. You'll be looking to spend roughly 2K at Senado and about 1K at Golden.

D1 has tons of girls.. was just there and it was busy wtih fellow punters but still had plenty of girls to choose from. Cost was about 1.5K. But for that price, you can get a 3P at D2 (though it has been a while since I've ventured to D2 and I'm not sure if that "package" still exists). Problem with D1 and 2 is that it's all strictly business. In - Pay - Shag - Out. But in SNs, you get the steam, the jacuzzi, food, massages, etc...
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Post at 28-8-2010 13:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 nyc101's post

Obviously you are not looking hard enough. Check the FAQ in the Macau section
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Post at 28-8-2010 18:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 ruggers15's post

Senado sounds interesting. Should be around 2K for everything? That's fine and wouldn't mind a little more just don't want to go to crazy.

Do you know if they let you spend the night in Senado like I heard people can do in 18 and Rio etc?

I want to stay until the morning and I was thinking either 18 or East based on what I read on this site, but now Senado's thrown in the mix.

I'm going tomorrow so any advice would be appreciated.
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Post at 30-8-2010 12:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 ruggers15's post

Thanks I'll definitely add Sanado to the list.

Maybe this should be in a separate thread, but how are the civvie girls in Macau night clubs, bars, etc.? Are there any? lol

I've never gone trolling for civilians in Macau, but I'm going to have a lot of time to explore, maybe some amateurs will spice things up.

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