Subject: How to Identify which girl is from Which agent.
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 8-8-2010 11:41  Profile P.M. 
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How to Identify which girl is from Which agent.

Hi sorry for the Newbie question. I have seached the FAQ but cant seem to find any answer to my question.

My question is "Is there a way of sorting your search in the GalDB so only girls from a particular agent show up? Or even how to identify girls from a particular agent?"

The reason I ask this is because I have had some bad experiences with particular agents where they have done a Bait and switch on me. I am trying to avoid these agents. Currently the only way i can identify which girls are from which agent is to keep a record of the phone numbers and then cross reference, but even this is not good cause i believe the agents have many phone numbers.
It also serves as another purpose, It will help me identify girls from Good agents so i can see them and know I wont be ripped off.

Any help on this question would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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Post at 8-8-2010 16:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 asianfetish's post

phone numbers are the only way. read the reports, look for the good reports, click on the link and copy the number. you cancall this number next time and ask for the agent's line up of girls.

for bad reports or B&S, no easy way except to keep a database of these agent's phone numbers

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Post at 8-8-2010 23:38  Profile P.M. 
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i think it is not easy. i think you need to call and ask....

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sirtiger   26-7-2012 04:02  Karma  -2   Irrelevant
DaBestHK   9-8-2010 08:00  Acceptance  -2   you're talking nonsense
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Post at 9-8-2010 00:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 asianfetish's post

Yes, wouldnt surprise me if agents buy new simcard with new numbers regularly to throw us off, while at the same time keeping other regular numbers.
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Post at 28-8-2010 15:02  Profile P.M. 
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It is not too difficult, you can see the background of the photo,most agent use the same background,and u can also see the report,most ching already give u the answer of which girl relate to which agent.
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Post at 30-8-2010 16:08  Profile P.M. 
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look for numbers, tho some agents probably have several numbers
look at the pics, you can see that some are probably taken in same room or hotel....
and lastly for me look at the names, i mean if there is a girl called coca and another called pepsi.... in the same location and same price, chances are they are from the same agent..... they are not that inventive with names...

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