Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 25-5-2010 07:56  Profile P.M. 
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the fishing newlywed

A guy gets married on a nice saturday morning.

Later the same evening an old school chum taking a walk along a beach, spots him on the shore fishing.

The old friend aproaches him, they greet, the old friend questions the newlywed: Didn't you get married just this morning?

The newlywed simply replies; yah...

old friend; well what the hell are you doing fishing on your honeymoon?...

Newlywed; I like to fish....

oldfriend; but why aren't you celebrating your honeymoon and getting laid?...

newlywed; wife's got a terrible ongoing yeast infection, besides I like to fish...

Old friend; yah I guess thats understandable, but you could at least get a nice blowjob...

newlywed; Na, she's got treanchmouth...

Not understanding, the old friend asks;..

But man it's your honeymoon!, couldn't you have anal sex?...

newlywed; Na, she's got terrible hemroids, an I like to fish...

Still bewildered the old friend says; If you don't mind me asking why the hell did you marry this girl? With yeast infection, treanchmouth and hemroids, couldn't you do a little better than her? ...

Newlywed; Nah... she's got the worms too and like I said, I like to fish!

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