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Post at 15-5-2010 04:17  Profile P.M. 
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The Bachelor Code

Came across this the other week, thought a few of the members of the forum might find it amusing.

These are the Bachelor Codes which can be found in the book “The Professional Bachelor” by Brett Tate.

Bachelor Code #1
Men want a nice beautiful girl who loves sex, and can make pretty babies.

Women want a Life of Luxury without any responsibility with a wealthy man they can control.

Bachelor Code #2
When a woman is on her back, the meter is running.

Bachelor Code #3
A woman is entitled to the same amount of respect she gives you, and not one ounce more.

Bachelor Code #4
Women want to be treated equal to men. When they can’t compete, they demand preferential treatment.

Bachelor Code #5
The amount of money you spend on first dates is inversely proportionate to the level of respect you receive in return.

Bachelor Code #6
Never get pinned down in a relationship too soon. Hold onto your independence like it’s your virginity.

Bachelor Code #7
Men think. Women Emote. It’s genetic, and women will never admit

Bachelor Code #8
In the game of Life, Men Appreciate and Women depreciate.
Plan Accordingly

Bachelor Code #9
Strength and self-confidence generates attraction. Add a subtle weakness, and the attraction explodes.

Bachelor Code #10
Women want what they don’t have, And when they have it, they don’t want it.

Bachelor Code #11
The most important tool in seduction is knowing WHO not to date.

Bachelor Code #12
No matter how hot a chick is, you have to be willing to walk.

Bachelor Code #13
Higher a Girl’s Income, the lower her Sex Drive

Bachelor Code #14
Never surrender your Honour or Lifestyle for a piece of ass

Bachelor Code #15
The marriage institution is falling because women have a financial incentive to destroy it.

Bachelor Code #16
When you see a happy man, somewhere nearby is a pissed off woman.

Bachelor Code #17
Woman’s power is derived from Limitation of the Sex Supply.

Bachelor Code #18
Paid Sex is always cheaper than Free Sex

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TonyToro   17-5-2010 17:55  Karma  +1   I like it.
hunter   16-5-2010 14:28  Karma  +2   very true,,,
amphibean   15-5-2010 08:44  Acceptance  +1   win
geoduck   15-5-2010 08:24  Acceptance  +2   Interesting
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Post at 15-5-2010 07:11  Profile P.M. 
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here here, to #18-- so true.  Too bad I didn't realize this until after I got married.  FUCK ME!!

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Post at 15-5-2010 08:08  Profile P.M. 
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I just do not get code # 12:
Bachelor Code #12
No matter how hot a chick is, you have to be willing to walk.

WTF does that mean? can someone explain it...
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Post at 15-5-2010 08:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 xiexie987's post

Think atomic3d is saying you have to resist getting hooked up with a beautiful woman. Once you've married her, you're stuck.
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Post at 15-5-2010 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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#6 is funny, I didn't realize men tried to hold on to their virginity much at all, everyone I knew was ina hurry to dump it!
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Post at 15-5-2010 08:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 amphibean's post

He means you should prize your independence in the same way as women once did their virginity.
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Post at 16-5-2010 00:23  Profile P.M. 
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thanks for sharing. i can probably relate to #10 the most.
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Post at 16-5-2010 06:53  Profile P.M. 
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Bachelor Code #10
Women want what they don’t have, And when they have it, they don’t want it.

I think this applies to both men and women. But without this, 141 can't thrive.
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Post at 16-5-2010 14:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 15-5-2010 08:24
Think atomic3d is saying you have to resist getting hooked up with a beautiful woman. Once you've married her, you're stuck.

I say it a little differently GD, since we'd all like to get hooked up with a beautiful woman

The rule: "No matter how beautiful she is, you have to be willing to walk" means to never give her the upper hand.  As long as you are willing to exit the relationship for reasonable cause (bad behavior on her part, poor performance, not enough BJs ) you're in charge.  However if you let yourself succumb to her beauty and give up your right to walk away, even if she's being a bitch, then you've just made yourself her whipping boy.

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atomic3d   16-5-2010 16:10  Acceptance  +1   Couldn't put it better myself.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 17-5-2010 01:49  Profile P.M. 
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Made ma laugh reading this. A lot of these things are true at one point or another.
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Post at 17-5-2010 12:12  Profile P.M. 
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A few insightful gems and a fair bit of rubbish. Worth a post
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Post at 17-5-2010 12:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 Leyxia's post

That's a bit chickenshit. What's rubbish and why?
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Post at 17-5-2010 17:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 17-5-2010 12:56
That's a bit chickenshit. What's rubbish and why?

Because there's a lot of points that large generalisations and / or just inaccurate. I should have explained my opinion earlier, but I didn't have the time. So here it goes.

#1a Can't argue with that, I am a man after all.

#1b This is very general and I can think of a lot of women who would go batshit insane at a lifestyle with zero responsibility. Be they career driven women, homemakers or somewhere in between it's grossly inaccurate to brand all women this way when the minority probably suit this category.

#2 All women, all the time? Nahh. Even just looking at women you pick up and use for one night stands prove this one is a little general.

#3 Spot on in my mind, especially in a relationship.

#4 Disturbingly accurate

#5 Not always, it depends on the people and how it's spent. But fortunately there's an easy way to avoid this trap isn't there.

#6 Why? There are different types of guys out there and for some this is golden advice. But for others taking it could cost them a chance at being happy. Again, general and archaic.

#7 That's true, but which men here could honestly say they've never been emoting when they should have been thinking?

#8 Hah, well put.

#9 Probably.

#10 Why even put 'women' in here? This is a human condition, not a sex based one.

#11 So, some people just can't be seduced? I guess...but not that sagelike.

#12 Very important advice for any man.

#13 Bull and shit. Maybe they're just less willing to have sex on your terms rather than theirs, but sex drive is not an issue in successful women.

#14 Basically #12

#15 Sad and true. Also because people act first and think too rashly.

#16 How cynical. Rubbish.

#17 Really? I'd think most guys would just screw around if their woman were to hold sex over them.

#18 Cynical, but true in a lot of ways.

So like I said, a few gems of good advice in amongst some general and archaic rubbish. But like you said, very amusing and made for an interesting post.

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atomic3d   17-5-2010 18:13  Acceptance  +1   That's better
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Post at 17-5-2010 17:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by atomic3d at 15-5-2010 04:17
Bachelor Code #6
Never get pinned down in a relationship too soon. Hold onto your independence like it’s your virginity.

But I gave my virginity away freely!

Originally posted by atomic3d at 15-5-2010 04:17
Bachelor Code #18
Paid Sex is always cheaper than Free Sex

sad but so very very true...

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