Subject: all day long
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Post at 5-3-2010 12:38  Profile P.M. 
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all day long

newbie question: i want to take my time with one of these girls in the db.  does anyone have experience booking an entire day at your own hotel?  how much would something like that cost?  i probably have the money, but it doesn't mean i want to get ripped off either. thx
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Post at 5-3-2010 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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they are typically available over night than over the day, but you can call the papasan and negotiate a day-time trip.  the reason for the night time visit is most mongers are out sleeping after 2am so you may end up paying a premium for taking them away from the day.
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Post at 5-3-2010 13:21  Profile P.M. 
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thanks for your input.  i don't really like the idea of just overnight.  seems to me they are pretty beat up and tired by then.  plus i really need a whole day to work on one of these WGs.

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Post at 5-3-2010 14:31  Profile P.M. 
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rockypop he said Entire day.
carmelo, the best way to answer your question is to ask the pimp yourself. do let us know.
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Post at 5-3-2010 16:06  Profile P.M. 
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bro carmelo, must be quite expensive. cdb is right about asking the papa/mama yourself. A regular HG overnight i think is price=standard price x 3/3.5, so imagine the rate for the whole day...
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Post at 5-3-2010 17:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 vercetti08's post

Too right. It all comes down to economics.

I was interested in a $500 WG girl in my last trip. It was about 6pm (busy time) and he quoted $1800 to visit me (about 2km away!) at my hotel.

For a day-long booking, expect to pay the equivalent of a days-worth of ST bookings... Serious $$$'s I would imagine!
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Post at 5-3-2010 21:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 carmelo's post

I asked this question a couple of years ago about a gal whose rate was $600 and the mama said I could have her from noon until noon for ten times that amount but she said that was only for a weekday and that Friday or Saturday would be more expensive and that a Sunday could possibly be negotiated to a slightly lower package. It was a bit expensive for me so I declined but other bros have told me 10x the DB rate is the starting point, which actually seems a reasonable starting point. I don't think you'd get one of the really hot gals for that, though.
I once had a walkup gal of HG quality for 24 hours for $3000 and I negotiated this direct with her after I had been with her about 3 times. I think she just took the day off to hang with me and I had booked a hotel room and we had all our meals from room service. I was terrified of being caught outside with her by one of my wife's spies!

[ Last edited by  Siklong69 at 5-3-2010 21:18 ]
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Post at 5-3-2010 22:47  Profile P.M. 
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keep in mind that many of WG lifestyle is they sleep during the day. I am not sure if you are getting maximum value if u ask for a day
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Post at 6-3-2010 00:41  Profile P.M. 
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make sure you find the right girl for it. You don't want to be stuck with a crap service girl for a whole day.
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Post at 6-3-2010 07:25  Profile P.M. 
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thanks everyone for their input.  very helpful!

yea, i know its best to talk to the papasan to get pricing.  money is not a concern, but its good to know ahead of time what pricing framework to negotiate from so i don't get ripped off.  

im really more interested in the higher end ladies (jgirls, kgirls, and models).  man, im so curious about those "model" types with the blurred out faced even though some have reported bad service.  probably tops on my list is that "super model" with no picture at all.  

also, im a VERY horny dude but i dont expect to bang the girl for 24 hours straight.  Its just that I like the comforts of my own hotel and not being rushed.
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Post at 7-3-2010 02:14  Profile P.M. 
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Depends on where you are.  In SZ, you can roughly get a girl for 500 RMB/night (11pm - 7AM).  So, if you want a WG all day, it maybe tween 1200-1500 RMB depending on how good you are at negotiating.  In HK though, all day may cost you up to 500 USD for a higher quality girl.
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Post at 8-3-2010 04:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 agamemnon33's post

that's a great point.  i never really thought about SZ cuz its a hassle for me having to get a visa each time i go to china.  but for the prices that you quoted and also that the girls there are probably just as hot, i will definitely have to try it out. thx!
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Post at 8-3-2010 05:05  Profile P.M. 
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we need to put our foot down and demand more time and better prices
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Post at 8-3-2010 14:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by carmelo at 5-3-2010 12:38
newbie question: i want to take my time with one of these girls in the db.  does anyone have experience booking an entire day at your own hotel?  how much would something like that cost?  i probably h ...

simple answer is you'll have to cover her opportunity-cost, and probably add a markup because you're so keen.  For a popular girl that'll start at 10x the regular rate, as she can readily service 10 guys in a day.

If you look around you could find a girl who's in it for the lifestyle not the money - might get you a deal that way - but that's only open to you if you can spend the time to get to know them and charm them.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 25-7-2010 15:07  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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just wish u good luck and  have a fun !!

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Post at 27-7-2010 22:45  Profile P.M. 
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Go to shenzhen or dongguan and get a KTV girl for the whole day. It prob will not cost you more than 1500 RMB
(would it be even possible to arrange things to bring her down to HK for a day or two?? not sure of visa situation)

These ktv girls don't do much all day except sit around, sleep, QQ, or go shopping. They not like sauna or HG girls who have to service 10+ customers per day.
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Post at 2-2-2011 14:05  Profile P.M. 
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do these all day package consist of all day sex or are you limited?
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Post at 29-2-2012 09:29  Profile P.M. 
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exactly how does it work when you book em for the whole day? you still get only 1shot or 2shot..or as much as u can in that time frame?
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Post at 29-2-2012 09:35  Profile P.M. 
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You want to go to the Philippines, my friend. They'll rent you a girl for the damn weekend if you want one - at reasonable prices. And she'll speak English, so you'll have things to talk about.

Failing that, you may be better off getting to know some freelancers that work the bars. HGs and 141s service a lot of dudes in a day, and they are expecting that income, so you'll be neding to make up for that. The bar girls are closer to 2-3 dudes a day + drinks - so they have less to lose in taking a day. Also - most of them are more in control of their own schedules. The HGs are basically just going whgere the MMS tells them to go - they don't have a lot of input into what they are doing. Bar girls are a lot more free to negotiate things. Also - your odds of an English speaking bar girl are substantially higher.

Let me also add - you may be happier in a bar girl, because you'll have a chance to see if you like spending time with her first. 24 hours is a long time to spend with a stranger. If you're just picking a pretty face out of a lineup... your odds of being disappointed are pretty high. If you take the time to shop a bit, you can make sure you don't wanna kick her out after 8 houirs.

[ Last edited by  Intenseslacker at 29-2-2012 09:43 ]

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