Subject: my experiment with hunting qq girls
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 24-7-2010 18:32  Profile P.M. 
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unworthytext is a joke to this forum. clearly a tool. finally he break and admit his real self..

As for dreamer08,
everybody pls stop handing him negative Ks for time being.
He just step on the worng foot and started out too touchy.
Please let him continue as normal member, as long as he dont throw his tantrum and stop yelling.
If his opinion is theorectically wrong but his intention is to participate and not spamming, we should let him proceed.

thread closed.

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Post at 24-7-2010 23:14  Profile P.M. 
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Don't get it

My life in this forum has been short but is there quite a history of people joining and then getting really touchy when people don't share their opinion?

First it was fifa and now this text guy...and whatever aliases he has since adopted. Man I think this forum is great, some funny guys on here.

Why the abuse? Just cause they wanna be able to see high RA stuff straight away before contributing? It sucks
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Post at 24-7-2010 23:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hkjiggy at 24-7-2010 23:14
Why the abuse? Just cause they wanna be able to see high RA stuff straight away before contributing? It sucks

That would be the main objective for most lurkers. They would post nonsense, have nothing to contribute but senior bros who really care about this forum are vigilant and lurkers are usually spotted before they gain higher RA to access pictures. There are many that slip under the radar but no naming names. I think the mods are doing a great job here, otherwise, I would not bother posting reports and pics myself.
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Post at 24-7-2010 23:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #42 hkjiggy's post

Actually its not abuse ...members here are just taking certain trolls to task

you mentioned fifa, well you wrote up a summery of his accomplishments yourself !
as for this text ... I wrote up a summery of what he's done in my post #23 of this thread.

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 25-7-2010 10:31 ]
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Post at 25-7-2010 02:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 24-7-2010 18:32
unworthytext is a joke to this forum. clearly a tool. finally he break and admit his real self..

As for dreamer08,
everybody pls stop handing him negative Ks for time being.
He just step on  ...

who is more a tool. when you got played all along... lol

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