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Post at 19-7-2010 23:58  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 19-7-2010 21:45
Lot of them cried and it was depressing work.

Yeah, have you seen Up in the Air, starring George Clooney
(a woman on the plane I was on watched it twice in a row )?

Can't imagine anyone doing that every day for a living.
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Post at 20-7-2010 06:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #40 geoduck's post

Sorry to hear that. Nothing is perfect in this imperfect world. Shit happens from time to time.

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Post at 20-7-2010 07:39  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kaka at 19-7-2010 16:29

only a few hours... you call that painful...

a couple of hours is a lot for me, considering my charge out time rate, mate

Only one made me feel this way was with HG Nicole and I was the idiot that split with her sob sob!!!

You know the old saying, so many fish in the ocean....yummy!!!!
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Post at 28-7-2010 04:57  Profile P.M. 
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You did nothing wrong to her. She allowed her emotions to get out of check.

You did do something wrong to yourself - i.e. allowing yourself to fall for a WG.

Keep the relationships light and happy and fun. but NEVER let it get too deep.

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