Subject: A viagra for libido?
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Post at 4-6-2011 15:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 gundam's post

You are correct about the body being able to produce testosterone slows down with age. There is a Testosterone Replace gel that you just apply to the skin. Despite the term Menopause, men does have a men version of it. Some call it mid life crisis. This is caused by the lack of Testosterone production. Testosterone is produced in the testicles, so any injuries to your testicles will also effect the production of T. Try the gel, you can see your doctor and get it. The doctor will conduct a Testosterone level test to determine if you are really low.

"Androgel which was approved by the FDA in 1999. Testim is another testosterone gel product. The gel is rubbed directly into the skin every day without the need for a patch. Many men find this the easiest and least irritating of the transdermal preparations of testosterone. Studies have shown high levels of patient satisfaction with gel product. In a study conducted at Duke University researchers found that men with testosterone levels less than 300 ng/dl treated with Androgel (testosterone gel) had significant improvement in sexual function, muscle strength and lean body mass. Overall satisfaction was better with Androgel than with the testosterone patch. "

[ Last edited by  charlesspore at 4-6-2011 15:56 ]
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Post at 4-6-2011 16:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 gundam's post

Exercise and competitive sport help to encourage production of testosterone. You may want to give it a try. I am not talking about walking here. That's a very low standard of exercise. You need something like a boot camp, minimum 3 times a week, 1 hour intense exercise.
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Post at 4-6-2011 21:25  Profile Blog P.M. 
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my two cents

i agree with Twice: the libido is a mental process or series of processes. when you take into account the indoctrination of various religions (with rules/regs on gender, sex etc), sexual mores and the sprawling/bubbling/fermenting subconscious, it's clear that the subject can be highly complex. you can't control your subconscious because you can't out-think your own brain! WHY do i think hoop-earrings (and a select group of other details) are sexy as hell? i don't know!

physically, men hit their sexual peak in their late teens, which is unfair. we're supposed to act like alpha-males and fight, oh sorry that's the National Geographic sports stars/rock starts/celebs or some crap, then the females will want to mate with us. cross-fertilize with modern culture and things get seriously wacked.

but often women prefer men with some experience, because a teenager with raging hormones is problematic. also, women hit their sexual peak around age 30...although the variation in female sexual response never ceases to amaze me.

so, u get older. u appreciate the wisdom but miss the ability to get a stiffie when u glimpse a lingerie ad. there's tradeoffs. physical exercise is GOOD: i do 40-minute cardio workouts 3-4x weekly and it's very helpful. a generally positive attitude also helps. confidence and dialog helps get women interested...not that this means much in a cramped 30-minute wham-bam 141 punt.

lefty 8 asked about Vitamin V. i don't take it every time, but i do take it because i'm at the age where i like the confidence that i can experiment, have more fun and make sure SHE has more fun without worrying about my erection. but SEE A DOC before u take Viagra or any enzyme-inhibitor, there are side-effects for some. u NEED this info, this isn't some miracle cure. it will not give u a boner. it allows you to sustain an erection, but there are contraindications with other medication. educate yourself.

i'm curious about DHEA, but that may be further down the line. there's no miracle pill. sexual situations can produce anxiety, causing all sorts of secondary reactions. if u are physically fit, in a good state of mind, treat WGs well so they're comfortable, then you can have encounters that will reduce anxiety. remember, this isn't a competitive sport! men are more orgasm-oriented than women (hey, it's a survival-of-the-species thing when u get right down to it), women will have all sort of fun just messing around. join in the fun! don't give yourself a "score." with age comes wisdom and women often prefer older men for that reason. all over the world, u see couples in argument-mode: just standing facing each other but not-looking at each other, not-speaking. and you will notice, both are almost always YOUNG. they just haven't learned some of life's tough lessons yet. their expectations are high. try not to put that burden of "high-expectations" on yourself, relax, have fun. if it seems difficult, practice more. sex is a human expression, and it's as varied as we humans are.

stay healthy, stay positive, and have fun!


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cookiemonsta   5-6-2011 02:03  Acceptance  +1   ...thanks for sharing your wisdom...
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Post at 5-6-2011 00:06  Profile P.M. 
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Might be but it's just me but a decent gal with sexy high heels and stocking make me horny as hell !

everything is in the head not in the family jewels.

[ Last edited by  Zozio at 4-6-2011 19:25 ]
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Post at 5-6-2011 02:13  Profile P.M. 
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i tend to agree with jack, they're all valid points
i too, now face with similar dilemma where getting an erection is alot of effort
now no longer a standing ovation, rather a lousy soft limp
seems like it gets harder with age as you get older (maybe just me?)

many WG has advised to get circumcised, but have always dismissed it
i've always thought it's fine the way it is (ex GF's never complained)
now, i'm left pondering, perhaps its something to consider?

i've never required medical stimulants in the past
and thinking perhaps this will assist getting back to my glory days?

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Post at 5-6-2011 11:39  Profile Blog P.M. 
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my advice: do NOT get circumcised unless u have a medical condition, such as phimosis, that mandates such surgery. unless the WGs yr seeing have MDs, check with yr real doc.

the ability to obtain/sustain erections diminishes with age, something we all deal with--it's a fact of life. cigarette-smoking has been linked to constriction of blood vessels, and as blood-flow is what creates erections, if you're a smoker or work in a smoky environment, that could be a co-factor.

still, so much of sexual desire is psychological. are you stressed, overworked, in a relationship where the desire to conjoin with your longtime partner just isn't there anymore? these could be co-factors also.

but from what u described, it just seems like you're getting older, bro. and that affects erectile-ability. we're supposed to be fighting each other to fuck all the women in the tribe when we're 19, then when we're double that, our male-offspring are doing the same. we're out in the forest hunting and gathering.

as for chemical enhancement, V and C are drugs and while u can research via Wikipedia, talk to a doc before taking them. there are contraindications and side-effects. that said, they definitely aid in sustaining an erection, provided stimulus is there.

first time i ever took the stuff was about a decade ago. a friend gave me a couple of Pfizer 100mg lozenges. they had expired a couple of YEARS earlier. he said don't worry, they're still good, but u want to take 25mg, a quarter of this pill. he had been prescribed nitrates and they do NOT mix with Vitamin V (ask yr doc why).

so using a razor-knife, i split this thing into quarters. i went to an establishment in Bangkok and swallowed this sliver, thinking, this is ridiculous: i'm taking a quarter of an expired pill, well, i didn't need the assistance quite as much then as now, so i thought, if it has no effect, so what.

no effect, no effect....HOLY FLAMING GOATSHIT.

yes it works. some prefer C--it depends on u and yr situation. again, CHECK WITH DOC. at the moment, i am fine with the V-experience, though i don't take it every time--depends on the situation. this might be the ticket for u, monsta. but make sure u know all the side-effects and start with the lowest possible dose. 25mg worked fine for me for about five years. it's no miracle-sex drug, u still need to establish rapport with the girl, but for me, it gives me confidence which helps with the whole process. i know my LB will sustain to work for both me and the girl i'm with, but, i've used it for awhile and know how it works for me. some ppl have taken it and didn't like the feeling, had headaches, vision probs, etc. i'm amazed when i read of guys in their 20s taking it, what the hell for? to me this is something that compensates for abilities we lose as we age. every so often u get some 21-year-old gobbling a 100mg pill and ending up with a 3-day erection, this is NOT a good situation. this is an enhancer for older gents. but check it out first with yr doc. and just because Pfizer makes 100mg pills does not mean that dose is appropriate.


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cookiemonsta   6-6-2011 23:13  Acceptance  +1   ... valued advice...
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Post at 6-6-2011 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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i'm totally against circumcision
actually, totally against anything involving going under the knife of late
sure, it may not be an anaconda, but it works for me just fine

and perhaps the smoking and stress from work has finally caught up with me
could be the very cause of the problem

i really should find a doc of my own and get myself checked out
however, i think the embarrassment and 'putting-off' attitude really has been the real cause for the delay
not exactly full of enthusiasm discussing such topic in person

thanks for the heads up bro, much appreciated
next time i'm in hk, beers on me jack
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Post at 7-6-2011 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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I am currently in Vietnam and I came across a generic Viagra. It is called Azodra 100, 4 tablets of 100mg Sildenafil Citrate 100mg costs USD10. I bought a box and i tried half a tablet and it worked exactly like Viagra. It is the exact same chemical composite as Viagra. You can buy it at any pharmacy withot any prescription. So if you are currebtly talking Viagra you can try this inexpensive alternative.

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