Subject: Once a Working Girl, always a.....
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 7-10-2011 08:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 devilgodspeed's post


What I'm saying is that girls want SEX and need GOOD SEX just as much as guys do!!!

and that some "good girls" are just as frustrated with their SO as some "good husbands" are ...
... it's easy on a site devoted to WGs, to fall into the trap of thinking sex is only about money.  For some girls it is, but no way is money important for all of them.

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wander   7-10-2011 09:25  Acceptance  +1   Absolutely true.

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Post at 7-10-2011 12:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 DArtagnan's post

So True!

The most fascinating part about women who play on the side is the amount of reasoning they use to justify their actions.

I know a civi who divorced her hubby because he had a mistress on the side. Yet even though she herself has an on-and-off bf and I have a SO, she still wants to see me for intense shag sessions. She justifies my fooling around behind my SO's back as ok as I am 'not married' to my SO.

In clarification : If I was married to my SO, that would be a def no-no for her as like it was for her with her ex-hubby and I would be a complete dick for being so unfaithful. But if my SO and I are not married, then she would not feel guilty at all playing 'the other women' and I am allowed to do what I want.

I guess this is all totally logical to a woman who craves good sex but does not want to trawl around wanchai/lkf looking for one-nite stands.  

ps: Anytime I hear women condemning men for fooling around on the side, I tell them that a good part of the chance is that the fooling around occurs because the other women wants it a lot and those women deserve the blame too. It takes two to tango.

[ Last edited by  doghead at 7-10-2011 12:49 ]
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Post at 5-11-2011 06:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

Wander, thanks for sharing. I didn't realize I would get free therapy when I joined this forum. I've only had one case of a significant outside rekatiinship with a WG, but I can relate to and confirm everything you have said on this thread.

My experience was a little different because the WG was married during her working days and I became the threat to the husband.

Short set-up: girl is Filipina civie, falls in love with a US serviceman who marries her and takes her to the US. Normal civie life ensues until hubby loses his job. Girl's secretarial gig isn't paying the bills and hubby suggests she dance at a strip club. She does and quickly becomes a top tier talent at the biggest club in a major metro area. This feels very wrong to both of them at first but they both quickly get very comfortable with the cash.

The trouble is she is so good she attracts very wealthy repeat clients who start throwing cash at her for outside work. She is addicted to the cash, plus thoroughly enjoys being with accomplished athletes, dentists and lawyers as opposed to the guy at home who just plays X-Box all day while she pays all the bills.

She hides the escorting from him at first, but it quickly catches up with her. He is crushed at first but quickly comes around, enjoying his new gamer lifestyle. He even starts helping her run her business - booking appointments, driving her, playing the security role. And with all the cash lying around the house he starts helping himself to WGs on the side, too.

Eventually, this nearly destroys the marriage so they decide to take action (sort-of). They move to another part of the US and while she still strips, they both vow she will never escort again. Right...

Enter your humble author.... I become her best client in the new locale and we become very close. I know all about her husband who she wants to leave. We start spending significant time together outside work and I stop paying her. Never did pay her for sex (because she no longer escorts) and we travel and do all sorts of things a normal couple would do. I'm completely in love with her and I truly believe (to this day) she feels the same way.

We prepare to each leave our spouses for each other (we both separated) and she thinks the affair is secret. She covers for the trips and overnights away from her home by saying she is with girlfriends (so she tells me).

Trouble is she exposed me without my knowledge: she is telling him that she is with me and lying that I am paying her and it's nothing. Little does she know he is reading her email the whole time and knows the real truth between us.

Once he figures out I haven't actually been paying her and that we really are in love and she's about to leave, he takes action. He confronts me (by email) and ultimately tells my wife.

We still prepare to be together while both our spouses fight to save the marriages, but I'm still have a warning bell in the back of my head. Even though she and I have agreed that I will not be with her unless she quits the sex trade altogether, I'm still nervous about her past.

I do some deep seaeching and find out she has lied to me and is seeing a couple other clients, too. Not nearly as often as me and I don't think she loves them, bit as Wander says, once a WG.....  I approach her and she partially confesses, then confesses some more but I still know she hasn't come completely clean.

In the end, she does me a great favor...she told me her biggest fear...that she would continue to hurt me...that she couldn't be trusted. That was refreshing honesty and that day I did the hardest thing I've ever done when I broke up with her.

We've had no contact since but for a while my wife and I would still get calls from her husband, sure that we were together again. Nope, it's someone else, bro, she can't be trusted.

For her I think she could truly be in love with just one person, but she was too close to the WG life to get away from the variety. She would leave her husband as a trade-up (better financial security, better companionship), but couldn't be faithful.  Like a couple guys said above, she is one of us.

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wander   6-11-2011 09:50  Karma  +1   Hell of a story! Thx for sharing
doghead   5-11-2011 19:03  Karma  +1   Its amazing tht some guys willingly push their SOs to be strippers/wgs.
feliphile   5-11-2011 11:00  Karma  +2   thanks for sharing
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Post at 6-11-2011 07:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 UncleBob's post

free therapy


whatever schmatever ...

this is just sharing personal experience

if a girl lies to you at the beginning of your relationship in order to manipulate you to like her more - or you find out she's been lying to you ongoing in your relationship - she will probably go on lying to you throughout your relationship in order to manipulate you and get what she wants

she will even lie to you when you would have accepted the truth and still given her what she wants

bear that in mind

in love

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Post at 6-11-2011 14:55  Profile P.M. 
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well then the next thread should be " once a punter, always a punter?"............
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Post at 6-11-2011 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

To be honest, I'm also kind of in a relationship with a WG right now. She is such a nice, lively girl. Often she told me about how she hates her job and that girls like her who had chosen to do this job has no future and all. Honestly speaking, there are many times that I had felt pity for her, and wanting to help her relieve the burden.

Fortunately, up till now I haven't fallen down that road. As you had said, we have to keep our heart and wallet in check at all times when dealing with these kind of girls. In my opinion, one way to face this problem is to never let your emotions kick in. Always think of the consequence of your actions.

Just my 2 cents.
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Post at 6-11-2011 15:55  Profile P.M. 
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Very interesting stories.  For those of us who are without SO, do you think we will be able to quit the hobby or just stop for a while and then back to being a hobbyist?

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wander   6-11-2011 16:50  Acceptance  +1   Well, everyone's diffrent. But -- I think "no" for most of us.
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Post at 7-11-2011 20:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 wander's post

I can agree 100% with this topic

I have 3 long timers , 2 with real GF emotions and "im the one and only" relationship for you, and I KNOW they are taking cock elsewhere for money & of course Fun,, but they are much more settled down,, own apartment, jobs etc.
If I could, Id marry all 3 of em and shack up in a harem and close the door behind me. Now all 3 know each other and they know that I dip the wick elsewhere when I get the chance , but they are clean , understandable , smart and of course hot as hell

few guys i know have very long term pussy, and very much attached,, they pay for their apartments, living expenses and do the holiday beach/business travel plus come to home country visa run meets etc etc and they have it all under control.

But then i have met the guys who have gone through nightmares. Fallen for the pussy, ploughed money into them,, their GF back home or wifes find out ,, money gone  , life gone and then when they arrive back to the pussy she dont want to know as he has limited resources or they never wanted a guy long term under their feet anyhow,, just a visitor who keeps a roof over their heads and $$ on western union.

you gotta know the pussy really really well before you get them the roof n cash  or your WELL FUCKED!!

As my dear old Father would say "get in there Son,, its all about the Pussy"!
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Post at 8-11-2011 01:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by UncleBob at 5-11-2011 06:20
Wander, thanks for sharing. I didn't realize I would get free therapy when I joined this forum. I've only had one case of a significant outside rekatiinship with a WG, but I can relate to and confirm  ...
Like a couple guys said above, she is one of us.

I think that last sentence nails it on the head.
the first few times you cheat it feels bad. after that, you've become immune to it. you feel like you're already past that line and you can't go back. Once is already enough, so why not 2, or 10 or 1000?
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Post at 8-11-2011 06:43  Profile P.M. 
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The thing is, not all girls have that heavy duty sex drive, even girls in this business.  So imagine one of those shy types that are cute HGs but that you wouldn't repeat with.  That's probably a WG candidate that could have a monogamous marriage after getting out of the biz.

The colorful stories we hear tend to be about those off-the-hook girls who are insatiable and make even horny fuckers like us want to marry them.  A girl with that kind of libido isn't going to settle down with one man/one dick.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 8-11-2011 06:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #30 TheButler's post

yea true i guess. many (probably most) girls are in this line of work simply to make money and get out quick as possible.
but now they've seen how bad men really are and their trust in the opposite sex is broken, maybe never to return.
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Post at 8-11-2011 13:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bonkers89 at 8-11-2011 06:57
... now they've seen how bad men really are  ...

you speaking for yourself bro??  

For sure they know what bad men are like, they get intimate with some of the dregs, but I also think they see many more good men than bad men.  

Reality is we only get to know the leftover WGs
The good ones, who know how to manage themselves, do leave, and we never get to hear about it.  And even while they are working, they don't have to serve as many men, they have enough regulars.   
No surprise you're more likely to meet one of the bitter ones who are left, who have to serve hundreds of men

... unless we're active enough to meet the good ones and get to know them during the relatively short time they are working ...

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Post at 8-11-2011 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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majority dont leave the business unless they have come of age because cash is fast and there's always the thrill of meeting and having sex with different men.
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Post at 9-11-2011 01:05  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 8-11-2011 13:32

you speaking for yourself bro??  

For sure they know what bad men are like, they get intimate with some of the dregs, but I also think they see many more good men than bad men.  

Reality i ...

To answer that question: HELL YA!

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DArtagnan   9-11-2011 09:26  Karma  +1   You BAD MAN!!!
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Post at 9-11-2011 08:35  Profile P.M. 
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Most wg girls love to feed off of naive people and love to trick people in thinking that they are the love of their life. My boy met one and was financially ruined. Let's just say that she pulled the family card by saying that her family lost her roof and she needed help. It ended up costing him 3,000 dollars thru western union. Every time he visited her she made him by her gold. Come to find out she took the gold and sold it back for cash. That is why guys like me do what we do and act like we like them yet we fuck them and well you know the rest. What comes around goes around! ;)
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Post at 9-11-2011 14:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 maverick16's post

Men and Women throughout history have been using each other to get what they want.  Right from high-school where guys lead girls on to get laid, to Berlesconi who regularly gets his 90 year old dick wet.

So I don't think playing the victim really works here.  Some WG kisses you and takes your cash and makes you cry.   And you didn't see that coming.  I'm not sure who 'your boy' is though.

As far as the sick family routine (or the lost roof, etc), yes it is a common scam.  But also remember that there is very little in the way of insurance available, WG's are sometimes the breadwinners in the family, and family members really do get sick, roofs really do blow off, and houses really do get flooded.  Sometimes there is huge pressure to help the family.  But they still have to present the happy care-free entertainer schtick to you to reel you in.

You need to keep a balance.  The girl quite possibly really honestly does need the money.  As much as she can get.  And you quite possibly really honestly do need the sex.  As much as you can get.  See, a perfect match.  

Just don't pull your university ethics course into it.  Things get complicated fast.

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UncleBob   9-11-2011 23:36  Acceptance  +1   Well said
wander   9-11-2011 19:39  Karma  +3   Agree. I'll Karma that!
mrpekz   9-11-2011 14:59  Acceptance  +1   Very nicely said.
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Post at 9-11-2011 14:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 yazoo's post


As I had said pretty much before. We, the guys, are the ones with the money and we need the sex. On the other hand, those girls are the ones who can provide the sex and needs the money. Moreover, she must really need that money real badly. Otherwise, I don't think any girls in their right mind would do this for a living.
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Post at 9-11-2011 17:10  Profile P.M. 
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We got to see it for what it is, if you were a girl, would you date/trust someone that punts? 90% of the time, girls would be disgusted by these actions.

Some would still accept you as a friend/brother/father. But they would always have issues accepting this, unless you change/stop punting. If you continue punting, and they know it, its just not going to work out.

Its easy to get smitten by WGs, but its the same. If they keep working and chasing that easy money, its not going to work with the guy that wants them exclusively.

Fact: plenty of good looking, non-WG, girls all over. Just use your personality, not money to win these over.
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Post at 9-11-2011 19:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #38 linkeddd's post

Ya know,

I am in several relationships right now, some with civvies, some with WGs, and one with my SO (Oh yeah..., almost forgot!).

One serious one with a WG (Joann, for those that know my past threads) has included many, many interesting conversations.  She says:  "what would it be like living with you?".  "I love you, I want you.. but how could I ever trust you?"  She's a former WG, now married, and my thoughts about her are essentially identical!  

We know each other.  We know we are both sluts!  Yet neither can actually live with the idea that their spouse is an active slut!!

A shame really.  She's perfect for me.  And I her.  Yet this would kill us.

I couldnt possibly handle knowing she's banging some other guy.

Ahhh.  Relationships.  So many permutations!

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UncleBob   9-11-2011 23:37  Acceptance  +1   Very true

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