Subject: How much money do you spend on a punting vacation?!?!
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 2-9-2011 09:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 MKK's post


You cant take alcohol but you go special party + activity? hmmm....

This is like a thief who robs a Bank but who dont know how to drive a car. He has to take MTR or public bus to escape....

MKK, you always triggered my humor from all your stories.

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MKK   6-9-2011 22:50  Karma  +1   don't know if that was a neg or a flattering comment.... anyhow +1 for you :)

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Post at 2-9-2011 10:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 nedword's post

Punting in the US is not cheap. Your looking at a low of 200 US /  girl for FS and up from there
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Post at 2-9-2011 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 hunter's post

I for one would rather work out my money and go to Pattaya!

You could live like a god for that amount over there

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 2-9-2011 12:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 nedword's post

Reminds me of my student days - which is what I presume you're taking about??? A gap year of sort?

Yeah, one can really go about in a lot of places in the world for that kind of money - but these days - I'd strongly suggest you skip the major metropolitan areas of Asia; certainly no Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Singapore - or even KL, Manila Jakarta etc.  And before you think about mongering, I'd suggest you first plan your accommodation and meal budgets first.

Perhaps a "budget travel" board would be more suitable i/o here as I believe most of us here are not gonna be able to give you really good/valid suggestions on back-packing trips.

Hope you don't mind me having said the above.


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JackTheBat   3-9-2011 16:15  Acceptance  +1   good advice. see my reply below...
sophron   2-9-2011 18:41  Karma  +1   my thoughts exactly
Petay_1283   2-9-2011 15:52  Acceptance  +1   Budget travel thread?


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Post at 3-9-2011 09:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 SEAJ's post


Like I said mongering isn't the sole purpose of my trip, I get it in when I can.  Like the next trip is going to be 35 days long, and sure when I am in Macau I will go way over the $42 mark, but when I am in Pattani and Yala in Southern Thailand I'm going to be way under, but hopefully everything ends up around $50.00 US a day.  

By the way, I'm probably the oldest person here, 50, but unfortunately I am not near the richest, thus the need to watch the money a bit closer than many of the other guys here.
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Post at 3-9-2011 11:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 nedword's post

I was able to get reasonable accommodation in Bali for $40-50 a day (not hostels or complete dives, but good hotels, if not 5 star luxury palaces), so I don't think this is completely off the mark. You're going to be making some compromises, but a lot of the fun of places like this for me is finding the street food and doing some exploring, instead of having everything handed to you at your hotel.

(This especially works in North Bali, away from places that are really expensive like Nusa Dua, like in Lovina- got a cottage for $40 a day, AC, nice full service hotel run by an Aussie couple.)

As for what I spend, I spent about $1000 on a 3 week trip. But I spent a good chunk of the time surfing for the first time... and recovering from being thrown into the surf a lot.

[ Last edited by  boneboybob at 3-9-2011 11:51 ]
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Post at 3-9-2011 13:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 nedword's post


50 and you're still out and about and eager to explore the world!
I'd guess that at that age, one's libido would probably already be down to near Zilch - and thus your approach to sex that its probably NOT such an important part of your trip/life huh? Right? Young bucks.... What do we REALLY know!!
50 YO - that's an age I need to mark on my calendar!!

The largest component of your travel budget will be accommodation and you'd probably do best on this if you check out some back-packer's web sites; Great ain't it - the internet?

And perhaps you could come back here to share some of the things you RX and discover - for most here probably don't spend enough time figuring out such accommodation costs properly.


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 3-9-2011 15:20 ]

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nedword   4-9-2011 09:49  Acceptance  +2   50 ain't that old!
JackTheBat   3-9-2011 16:14  Karma  +3   right SEAJ, i hope i too can still manage a stiffy when i hit fifty! wow!!


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Post at 3-9-2011 16:11  Profile Blog P.M. 
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like he said, mongering isn't the sole purpose

nedword made it clear he's interested in more than simply inserting his penis into orifices that will cause him to ejaculate. he wants more from his vacation than sex--if he did, he'd spend the entire time in Pattaya. while US$42 (or is it 50?) is cutting it close, u cd manage accommo/food and a daily sexual adventure in PTY. if u REALLY skimped on accommo and ate one buffet a day, u cd manage more than one carnal encounter.

in Macau, not impossible but not easy to merely survive on this budget, and forget getting laid. i'm assuming this figure doesn't include travel expenses, such as the jetfoil from HK.

alcohol will eat into your already slim budget. i haven't had any alcohol in over 20 years--read my reports, does it sound like i need ethanol to have fun? why you're going to Pattani and Yala i can't possibly guess (took a train from Hat Yai to Sungai Golok once, it was an amazing ride), but you're unlikely to find any poussoir there, and maybe not any alcohol either. Hat Yai is a great town, but on that budget you're not going to experience any of HY's fabulous soapies.

nonetheless, i congratulate you on choosing an adventurous trip. DO learn local languages as much as possible, u can read the cheap-travel guidebooks but do some exploring--their suggestions are frequently off-base. Thailand is still cheap up-country: find the small family-owned hotels and eat at street stalls and night markets. u can certainly get laid in up-country Thailand, although you will have to be creative outside the tourist areas. dunno what else is on yr itinerary, but HK/Macau will rip through your budget like a fist through a rice-paper screen.

one of my travel memories: i went to the Long Beach Massage Parlor in Ubon Ratchathani, in Thailand near the Cambodia. the infamous Ta Mok--the one-legged guy who formed part of the evil Khmer Rouge hierarchy in the 70s--was a devotee of the Long Beach. i imagine members of the soapie-crew polishing his stump...Ta Mok is dead now, but still alive when i visited the LBMP. i hoped to see him scoping the fishbowl, but alas...anyway, the gal i had there the first night was so gorgeous, skilled, sensual and pure bust-out fun that i went back the next night and we did it all over again. even at 45/baht per USD, it still wd have busted yr budget, nedword, but some things u GOTTA do. i hope u can find ways to cover shortages if they occur, because situations may arise when the thing to do is SPEND THE MONEY. just be creative--the best food in Thailand is on the street anyway.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 3-9-2011 16:12 ]

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nedword   4-9-2011 09:50  Karma  +2   Thanks!
SEAJ   3-9-2011 16:15  Karma  +3   Great sensible advise!
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Post at 3-9-2011 17:01  Profile P.M. 
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To the OP... if you're looking for somewhere cheap and 'special'... try Cambodia. Could combine it with some time in Pattaya (but avoid the 'special' in Thailand... big bribes to be paid).

About the general travel that this thread has morphed into... Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia can all be done on $42 / day, easily. Have done it myself for less than that. The local street food is IMO the best tasting food in Asia, and dirt cheap too.

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nedword   4-9-2011 09:50  Acceptance  +2   This is the absolute truth.
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Post at 3-9-2011 17:21  Profile Blog P.M. 
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good points, thebigz0

Cambodia is quite cheap but no longer for mongering. u will pay Thai-style prices, generally speaking, nowadays. a decade ago was a VERY different story.

Malaysia is great, altho 141-activities are not as cheap as T-land (why dya think so many Hat Yai WGs speak decent English? Malaysian customers). Singapore is really getting expensive but does have a reasonably priced (and legal) red-light district, just avoid Orchard Towers. again tho: US$42/day forEVERYTHING...u can't monger daily, u need to?

Jakarta in Indo and Angeles City PI are the sex-destinations, but there's more to travel than getting laid. fortunately digicams can capture all the memories and once u've paid for the hardware, not much more expense required.

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Post at 3-9-2011 18:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #30 JackTheBat's post

Know what? Perhaps to help nedword AS WELL AS OTHER TRAVELING PUNTERS WHO ARE ON LIMITED BUDGET, we could come up with a few of our own suggestions on cheaper options like y'all been doing.

Mine is of course BBS gals in China.  Chang Ping has been spoiled and the cheapest I know NOW is the night market at RMB 150/shot for pretty good quality i.e. quite a few KTV gals who couldn't get a sitting that night as well as some regulars who just like working there.

OTH, I also know that just about ALL cities/villages in China have their own BBS's - and the prices are way cheaper. RMB 70-130 is pretty well the norm whilst a lot of them also have areas where locals go to and the prices can be as cheap as RMB 20-30 for a Wham-Bam with either VERY young girls straight out of the farm or else MILF types who CAN sometimes be an attraction for some. CP used to have just such an area we named the Catacombs - for that is what it reminds one of the bros who first went there of!

One though does need to have his ears close to the ground and eyes peeled to find these places and it may NOT be all that safe - LE as well as crime wise.

Lower end saunas at close to midnight for even as low as RMB 200 is another alternative to combine a full sauna treatment AND a place to stay for the night.  Zhuhai used to have tons of saunas of all price ranges, even as late as just a couple or so years ago! But sadly, this is for the most part just history now. But don't mean that other locales don't still have them


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 3-9-2011 18:31 ]

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JackTheBat   3-9-2011 23:04  Karma  +3   ZH is great. but the price of China visas for some nationalities is steep...


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Post at 4-9-2011 09:48  Profile P.M. 
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Just a short example of how the last trip went, it started out with 58 days cross from Bali across Java to Sumatra ending up in Palembang then flying to Batam.   I tried to always stay at somewhere where there was A/C but there were some places where it just could not be found.  Maybe the average lodging was 120K or $14US.  I don't drink so no cost there.  Food was consumed in great quantities but still that maybe came out to 90K or $10US a day.  Then there were just a few small incidental costs.  Before Batam there were only two whore experiences both at 300K each or $35US.  Batam was a fuckfest for 4 days and sort of made up for the previous 2 months of little action and brought the budget way up so the average day was probably around $45 US, but I didn't keep to much track.

I'm flying to Hong Kong tonight and will be in Macau on the 5th.  My budget there is going to be way over the $42 as I might stay in someplace decent for three nights as I'll be fucked up with jet lag.  I might go to one fancy massage place but the rest will be fucks under 500HK, hopefully mostly around 200HK.  From Macau I go to Thailand, but Hat Yai, Pattani (not Pattaya!), Yala, Naritiwat and Sungi Kolok.  If you're familiar with Thailand these aren't exactly whore mongering places, except for SK.  From the South its up to Bangkok and then over to Chaochongsao/Phenom Sarakhan/Kabin Buri and the area around there.  It too is also off the whore mongering path but there are plenty of whores, but as before that is mostly secondary to my primary (undisclosed) mission.


I never drink, so thats not a problem.  Hat Yai is great, I spent 13 days there on three separate times on my last trip, and partook most days.  I met a nice girl at the Pink Lady Massage and even went out to dinner with her and might go to Burma with her later this year.  Amazingly though my favorite massage place was a 700 baht soapy, I don't know where the girl was from but it wasn't Thailand, but she was the funniest fuck ever, so much so that I went back three times.  There is also a 'Booking' lady that a bell boy got for me, that would come over when she didn't have any other business.  Yes, Hat Yai is a lovely place.  

"i went to the Long Beach Massage Parlor in Ubon Ratchathani"  I've been there a shit load of times too.  On my last visit to Ubon I gave up on the place and found another across and down the street that was wonderfully good.


$42 is what is budgeted for the trip and my travels are not that expensive, but because I am over there and not here, if the opportunity arises the budget goes out the door because sometimes there just has to be enjoyment in life and I have a bunch of credit cards to make sure I can afford that enjoyment.

Thanks everyone for your response and I didn't mean to highjack this thread.  I'll report my findings in the appropriate spots once I'm over there.


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Post at 4-9-2011 12:12  Profile Blog P.M. 
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u sound like u've got it sorted

thx for the extra info. my, you're doing well in the deep south of Thailand. not sure what yr secret mission is in the Southeast but that's yr biz and not anyone else's. i'm curious if u ever tried the SG scene? i'm sure the main punters are guys from Kota Bahru and the sex-starved east side of the Malay peninsula.

i've heard Narathiwat is a gorgeous town and regret not visiting when i had a chance. ah well.

congrats on finding the mid-range MPs in Hat Yai. i met a guy who lived in HY and he showed me where they were. had a great time but i do like the luxury of Pink Lady and once made it out to Chao Phya 3, had this wonderful technician from Chiang Mai. they're so funny with the "booking" thing: "want lady, must have booking!" i used to stay at the King's Hotel, i'd get in the lift with the bellboy, he'd lean over and whisper "want lady?" it was hilarious, who's gonna overhear, we're alone in an elevator? i did take him up on it once tho. they sent over this amazing woman, i'm sure he got a cut as it was a bit overpriced but she was stellar.

it does help to speak some Thai in this part of the world, i'm assuming u do...if u tell me yr fluent in Yawi i'll be REALLY impressed, LOL!

yr the first person i've heard say they've been to the Long Beach. oh my did i have fun there. never made it across the street. good Isaan food in UR but the best Isaan food i've ever had was in Udon Thani up north.

biz-stuff: i'd travel with ONE credit card, keep it somewhere safe, make sure to tell yr bank they may see charges from diff countries. if u think u need to use it, HK/Macau is a better bet than Thailand (tho u likely booked yr accommo in HK already, good idea). as far as cheap accommo in Macau, most of us tend to go to Shun Tak and book. but prices have gone up, only the East Asia is still cheap (not a bad place tho). if u really want rock-bottom, u can try the Hotel Central, or wander the area near the inner harbor. Hotel Man Va, the Hou Kong...there are signs for cheap places. a lot are grimy, they won't speak English, and if they're knocking shops they may rudely wave u away. actually the Man Va has a clean lobby, but in this area, yr paying for what u can deal with.last i checked the Vong Kong Hospedaria on the Rua das Lorchas still had its sign up. i did stay there one night but it is best described as a hellhole. if u wanna save money, it's a test of what u can put up with. plenty of gals at the Pensao Formosa but yr not gonna get lower than 300 patacas for a quickie with these PRC gals. better to extend yr budget and try the Hot Spot, Royal or the Massagens Electrico (check reports from msst).

definitely report on yr experiences! pix appreciated....

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Post at 4-9-2011 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 nedword's post

Good! I see that you've got this all down pat to a well planned/budgeted trip.
Good on ya that you've really thought it all out properly.

On JtB's suggestion to only travel with one credit card - well, I always like a bit of insurance and travel with 2 - one a debit card - as one never knows when a credit card gets stopped for whatever reason.  And one reason that HAS happened to me is when I signed mine at a more up-market department store in Thailand - and guess what - right after that, it got stopped as according to the bank it was "compromised" whatever that means.

Basically what happened is that they somehow stole details of it when I signed it and right away it was accumulating charges all over the world!

And this is the reason why nowadays I just prefer to pay for most things by cash and use the debit card at the ATM's instead of "charging" it all over the place.


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JackTheBat   5-9-2011 23:16  Karma  +1   "compromised" is a polite term for "u just been cardjacked, sorry bud"...


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Post at 5-9-2011 14:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 JackTheBat's post

Jack and SEAJ,

I don't know if you're from the States or not, I am, and thus I got a Capital One Credit Card and opened a checking account at Charles Schwab, as both of those have no currency conversion fees and with the Charles Schwab account they will refund any ATM fee's.  I'm carrying two other ATM's and two other Credit Cards, and $2700US in cash.  My goal is to never use the credit card here and use the ATM as little as possible.  On my last trip I had a financial nightmare as I lost my ATM card and two credit cards were canceled and I ended up using one credit card and charged up $208US in fee's alone on it.

You guys have put up lots of good advice that seems applicable to lots of us here, and I thank you for that!

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JackTheBat   5-9-2011 23:11  Karma  +1   what SEAJ said...and have fun!
SEAJ   5-9-2011 14:30  Karma  +1   U're welcome! Now go out there + enjoy N REPORT back to us!
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Post at 5-9-2011 20:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 SEAJ's post

One more suggestion to SEAJ's pointers is that you can get the telephone number of the KTV girl for a future over night hookup.

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SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 5-9-2011 20:59  Profile P.M. 
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FYI - nedword's report up

FYI - nedword has started his posting starting with
A Poor Man Visits Macau ... 3145&highlight=
that has pointers for lower priced mongering in Macau....and his intentions to write further reports to us on that thread.


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JackTheBat   5-9-2011 23:15  Karma  +1   thx for the tip, SEAJ! interesting report...


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Post at 6-9-2011 04:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 SEAJ's post

still not sure why the"special" ktv's are more tho?  bc they allow those activities in  there?
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Post at 6-9-2011 09:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 MKK's post

Hummm I usually spend more than 2k on KTV costs alone  because I drink like a fish and eat in the KTV with the girls and I sit around 5-6 girls so another 1800 plus 200 -300 for dj and cleaning costs.  Hotel room around 300 since I use so many condoms then another 145 for my trip back to kowloon.  I never stay more than one night in CP because I prefer to rest in HK then come back the next day after.  Taxi fees around 30 buck ,15 each way.  BBS I still wouldn't touch..  Don't want to be part of a sweep...  Used too many bullets once at Yihao sauna and couldn't shoot a overnighter so do suana only if your overnighter plays games with you.  Your budget can be 2 k or 10k. But if you only have those 2-3 week vacation I would go all out and make the best of it regardless of cost.    That's my point of view in mongering because I know I won't be able to "have fun" until next year...  Trust me and play every other day so the experience is fresh and youcan rest a bit.   Try a different KTV every other night until you find one you like then finish it off with that one at the end of your trip

[ Last edited by  cp141 at 5-9-2011 17:47 ]
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Post at 6-9-2011 22:43  Profile P.M. 
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These "special" ktvs do charge lots more. Reason is because you can do special activities there.
I know there are a few "normal" ktv venues who had allowed us to exercise that, but in a more discreet way.

Have given some hard thought about this, and like I said before, I need to learn how to drink.
To think about it, I have been to CP for about 8-10 times now. Every time it is the same, and it has only been either:

1. Tian Yue (Dalang)
2. New Century Hotel (ChangPing)

that allows this.
Before there was also:

- Xin dong thai (TungHang)
- Xin De (ChangPing)

.....   Besides these "KTV" venues I've only been to normal ones like: HuiHua, TaoYuan, Amazon & Mayflower(to pick up wg's and move to special venue)

Really would like to experience places like OuYa, Yihao, Fuhao, Peninsula etc etc....

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