Subject: Church dilemma... Need advice
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Post at 31-8-2011 00:44  Profile P.M. 
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Church dilemma... Need advice

So my wife wants us to go to a different church.  This church has an early morning service, and supposedly 95% of the people that go to this church are domestic helpers.  Fortunately, i have only done kpressure and coronet court so far so I probably won't get recognized.  However, I did want to check out the Wanchai scene but I'm a little concerned about being recognized and any potential fallout that could happen.  Should i just forget about Wanchai or am i just being paranoid?  Looking for some advice.  Thanks.

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cp141   6-9-2011 17:48  Karma  +1   Don't go to church unless you want to be called a hypocrite. Church will not m ...
kaka   31-8-2011 20:13  Acceptance  +1   Change religion. Be a Buddhist.
SEAJ   31-8-2011 08:18  Acceptance  +1   Are you serious??!! LOL!
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Post at 31-8-2011 01:02  Profile P.M. 
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Don't eat where you shit. Simple as that?

Theres plenty of places, go to NT or somewhere thats far away

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nedword   2-9-2011 09:22  Acceptance  +2   Absolute Truth!
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Post at 31-8-2011 01:31  Profile P.M. 
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hk has hundreds of thousands of domestic helpers.  (i''m  guessing, don't know the actual amount) you would have to be really unlucky to get recognized.   besides won't the church goers and the ones that hang out in the bars are in separate cliques?
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Post at 31-8-2011 05:30  Profile P.M. 
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My advice is: Dont go to church if  you have this hobby!!!

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hunter   31-8-2011 11:27  Acceptance  +1   LOL!!!!! .........
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Post at 31-8-2011 05:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hulk2211's post

Any gal in Church wont be sharing stories about her WanChai adventures with other church-goers!

Listen, this hobby entails risk and choice - as do ALL things of value in this life.  Consider the consequences of getting caught, consider whether you can handle the worst case.  If not..., well..., you likely live each day as a very paranoid Bro!  Startled every time your SO picks up the phone and chats to a friend.

As for me..., I couldnt imagine living WITHOUT embarking on my risky adventures.  Some people attempt Mount Everest, I just attempt to "mount".  (hehehe.., not a bad joke right there!).

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chelu   1-9-2011 14:38  Karma  +1   QUICK i NEED OXYGEN!!!
TheButler   1-9-2011 12:41  Acceptance  +3   Better than Everest . . . no frostbite!
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Post at 31-8-2011 06:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 bonkers89's post

yes  i agree.  whoring is way more fun than going to church anyways.
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Post at 31-8-2011 10:51  Profile P.M. 
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So... I'm still stuck.  As I figured, I'm getting two responses.

A) Don't be a pansy
B) Don't be stupid

I am not risk averse, or else I wouldn't be doing this at all.  However, I'm also not reckless.  Sigh... Decisions decisions.

So... I guess I will go to church this Sunday, hope that I don't burst into flames, and see how much I stick out.  If it's really bad, I'll probably have to forego Wanchai.

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DArtagnan   31-8-2011 13:20  Acceptance  +1   Caution is the key to longevity
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Post at 31-8-2011 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 hulk2211's post

Bro come one!

You think even if one DOES recognise you, they are going to stop you and say something?? Whilst at church???

Chances are, they are not going to want you to recognise them either, especially at church. You are more likely to run into them whilst out shopping or something.

As bro wander said, this hobby of ours entails risks. I have bumped into girls from wan chai before in shopping centres and if I am with someone they either ignore me or just smile.

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Post at 31-8-2011 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 bonkers89's post

you fuck and Sin on weekdays visiting WGs.

On sunday you go wash away your Sins......

Blasphemy....dont discourage people from going to church.

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Post at 31-8-2011 12:07  Profile P.M. 
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i recommend going to a Jehova's Witness church. doubt you'll find any ladies of the night in that congregation =)
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Post at 31-8-2011 13:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 31-8-2011 05:37
Any gal in Church wont be sharing stories about her WanChai adventures with other church-goers!

I strongly disagree

Fact is the vast majority of church-going DH's are Philippinas

And the other fact is Philippinas talk about everything to everyone, instantly.  Their grapevine is the only thing faster than the internet, and as far as who is doing who it's more reliable than the internet.  

In your shoes I would either ditch the church or avoid doing anything fun in Wanchai or with any Philippina DH

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wander   31-8-2011 14:22  Acceptance  +1   Not fair Bro - the vast majority of filipinas are NOT Wanchai WGs!

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 31-8-2011 13:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Petay_1283's post

Bro Petay is very persuasive.  I am now 60-40, leaning towards the "Don't be a pansy" side.  Final word on Sunday after church.
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Post at 31-8-2011 14:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hulk2211's post

Dont worry. Most WGs work late nights so chances are they wont make it for morning service!

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hunter   31-8-2011 14:43  Acceptance  +1   LOL!!!
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Post at 31-8-2011 16:17  Profile P.M. 
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Just spend your time praying that they don't recognize you, God's got plenty of time on his hands to do that.
More importantly, make sure you stay close to the priest in case God wants to hit you with a lightning bolt for your sins, hopefully he won't risk the collatoral damage.
Whole bunch of great lines that go with this thread.
But seriously, just go to keep the peace with your wife, even if you see a partner from the previous night she isn't going to whisper and point to you, don't worry about it.
Also if you do see one of your partners from a previous tryst it will give you something to fantasize about during the sermon, then you can ask for forgiveness for that too!
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Post at 31-8-2011 21:33  Profile P.M. 
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Few years ago, i usually went to massage parlor near my working place.
1 time, i met someone who was related to my work. actually i felt embarrassed at that time.
Since then i never went to any massage parlors near my working place.
That's a big NO

Like bro aaa888 wrote, don't eat where u shit

[ Last edited by  SilverBird at 31-8-2011 20:34 ]

I dont want to know your name, i just want to bang bang bang......
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Post at 1-9-2011 00:44  Profile P.M. 
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Ok seriously. You can go to Wanchai to drink and party but don't take anyone. Just have your fun somewhere else.

The are so so so many other places to have fun - macau, zhuhai, shenzhen, DG, and other places in HK.

Its NOT a big compromise is it?
You have a wife (and family?) so why risk so much for so little!!!!????

Someone else said it already: "don't shit where you eat"
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Post at 1-9-2011 08:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Wander at 31-8-2011 13:19
the vast majority of filipinas are NOT Wanchai WGs! ...

you misunderstand me ... agree, out of around 300k filipinas in Hong Kong, only a very few pick up guys in wanchai, and that's not what I said.   I further agree (which you didn't say) most of the church-goers will not be the same girls who sell their bodies for money.  

It's not what the individual does that matters, it's how the collective works.  What matters is who they talk to, and how many of them there are.  The network is very efficient, and you have to assume that once you're on the Filipina social radar, a lot of people know your movements.  For sure, many of the church goers are friends with WGs, and the information flow is one or two degrees between them.  

Will they keep your secret?  Of course most of them will.  My point is do you really want to mix your family and punting activities with a group that's as gossipy as they are?  

End of the day it's risk / reward.  

Can you ride out a leak or a rumour?

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Post at 1-9-2011 10:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 DArtagnan's post

Yeah, I agree with you that the gossip-mill is extreme within the DH community (though I find the Indonesian community even MORE extreme in this aspect).  

If I go to WanChai on a Sunday for some DH-hunting I can be sure to have an SMS (or three) from some gal(s) whose friend(s) spotted me there.  It is remarkable:  I've walked into Old China Hand and within ten minutes had an sms from a regular asking who I was with!  Made me look around to see who the "spy" was.  These gals talk - and fast!!   

Still, they are only chatting to other DHs that also hunt in WanChai, so it only bothers me because of their possessiveness, but does not cause me fear they will "out" me.  

To the OP:  If you play in WanChai enough you WILL start getting paranoid about bumping into them in other social settings.  I've had it happen more than a few times - and when I was with my SO or other non-mongering friends!  Frickn scary, to be sure..., but in all case (except one) the gal acted appropriately and never gave a clue that we even knew each other.  The one exception was a dumb, drunk gal who ran over to my table in Soho and started blabbering.  It all worked out and no harm was done (except my extremely elevated blood-pressure), and she apologized the next day (by this I mean she didnt MEAN to cause me a problem - just was a dumb drunken fool that nite).     

So, if this elevated risk is too much for you ---- DONT play in WanChai often.  You'll be amazed where and when a gal you've screwed suddenly turns up!
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Post at 1-9-2011 12:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 1-9-2011 10:57
... though I find the Indonesian community even MORE extreme in this aspect ...


and at the risk of being accused of racial profiling, not such an issue to the OP, as there are nonetheless fewer of them (ergo fewer spies), and very few will go to a Catholic church on Sunday  

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wander   1-9-2011 13:29  Acceptance  +1   True. Hey, problem solved! Just go to J.Forest - all muslim indonesians!

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Post at 2-9-2011 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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If I was married I would be concerned about punting in the same city I live in. Too many eyes and people love to talk.

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