Originally posted by Marsupial at 2-2-2010 23:19
What's the point of posting pics from the girls' ads? Very few of them really look that good - the face is always the part of the pic most heavily photoshopped.
Yes I agree Mars... girls DB pics are often if not always photoshopped. I think we can all agree, often the photoshopped image looks better than the actual girl, occasionally the girl looks better and as we all know sometimes they dont even look like the same person. Sometimes that is because they are not the same person however that is the subject of a different thread.
So to answer your question, the "point" here is to share with fellow members, what sort of "look" do you like? what "does" it for you? The fact that the real girl does not necessarily look like that is not the issue, we are simply sharing our preferences...
Look forward to seeing your contribution... what do you like?