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Post at 27-2-2010 14:41  Profile P.M. 
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How do you get a WG to take a facial? Any best places to go?
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Post at 27-2-2010 15:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 molteni's post

Welcome to the forum bro...

Use your charm and money might help on this request.

Anyways, you posted in the wrong section and should be in the Q&A section.
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Post at 27-2-2010 15:35  Profile P.M. 
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Good luck with COF, most if not all of the girls I've been with would rather go for CIM than COF, COF gross factor is higher for them. They are scared of the smell of jizz.

But if you want to be persistant anyway, you can always use the olllldddddd trick that might work on naive girls, that jizz is full of protein and nutrition that is a potent and all-natural facial mask. ;)

I have personally never had the cheek to use that phrase, but a couple of my buddies actually claimed to have succeeded.
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Post at 27-2-2010 15:52  Profile P.M. 
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I agree with asia-play.  I'm sure the facial can be given if you negotiate the right price.

Or you could be fucking her and when you're on the verge of popping, pull out, ask her to finish with a BBBJ for CIM.  But instead you pull the rubber off when she's leaning in and cum on her face!  You'd need to get the timing right and have somewhat an element of surprise, but my friend claims to have successfully pulled this off with his girlfriend.  She wasn't happy.

But just to be clear, I neither recommend nor would I condone the move described above!  Anyway, it just goes to show that it usually does seem that some trickery needs to be involved in pulling off the facial!
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Post at 27-2-2010 17:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 lapcheong's post

I agree that most walkups prefer CIM rather than COF, not so much for the smell, but because they may need to redo their makeup. Just from my own experience.

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DArtagnan   27-2-2010 21:47  Acceptance  +2   correct - the makeup is the hassle

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