Subject: Question about the spas in the db
doghead (dog)
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Post at 18-9-2009 21:35  Profile P.M. 
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Question about the spas in the db

I browsed through the spa sites in the db and most specifically say 'no sexual services' yet offer prostate rubbing or vein massage.  Aren't these massage procedures practically border on a HJ?  And some locations have the big wooden bathtub.  Do the girls bathe us as part of the spa treatment and give us an extra or do we just sit in the tub for an alotted period of time?

See this link : ... ;pd=-1&keyword=
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Post at 18-9-2009 23:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

these 'spa' places in the DB usually do not have facilities for you to shower or bath ... its not really a spa
but a place where you get a foot massage and/or body massage ... any VAS comes depending on the girl.
doghead (dog)
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Post at 22-9-2009 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Then why is there a picture of that big wooden-slatted bathtub?  Isn't that for taking a bath?  It seems only large enough for 1 person to sit inside, not leaving enough room for a second person to squat and wash the feet.  What do you think?
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Post at 22-9-2009 15:30  Profile P.M. 
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Are you telling me you actually think they wash your feet with you both in a tub ???      

Just go there and try ... then you'll know what I'm trying to tell you !
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Post at 23-9-2009 00:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 doghead's post

The link you posted does have a wooden tub in it but I think it's more for you to soak in hot water to help loosen the muscles before the massage sort of like a jacuzzi.  But one never knows whats on offer until they take the plunge, i've been offered FS at veggie places before it was kinda funny because at the reception desk where you pay there is a sign that clearly states " NON sexual establishment " LOL
doghead (dog)
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Post at 23-9-2009 00:20  Profile P.M. 
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Well, I guess since there aren't any hard information about those wooden bathtubs, I will have to try out one of these spas someday.  Once I have tried I will let you all know what that tub is for.
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Post at 4-3-2010 08:16  Profile P.M. 
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Anybody try the VIP services here at the SPA Club ? With those prices in the photo, one would conclude that full service is offered. ... ;pd=-1&keyword=
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 5-3-2010 22:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 random1's post

my gosh, why don't they have these awesome services here where I am?  I am srsly missing out!  I am dying to try out the vein massage thing

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