Subject: How Much Time Do U Usually Book with a WG?
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Post at 1-4-2010 00:05  Profile P.M. 
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How Much Time Do U Usually Book with a WG?

personally I find the usual 45 mins too short. it seems hardly enough time and I find myself rushing always. so was just wondering what other bros tend to do when visiting HG's. how do u manage your sessions? does anyone usually book a 1 1/2 hour session (2 bookings) with one girl? would u be charged for 2 sessions or would the papa be likely to give a discount for a longer/double session?

I know some papas like Ah Gai in CWB are more relaxed when it comes to over time, but for the ones who care, how do u bros handle it?
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Post at 1-4-2010 00:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 barney.winkel's post

1.5 hours is a 2 session booking and you won't get any discount for this whether you shoot once or twice. I hear stories from the girls that some punters book the girls for 6 hours at a time or even a whole day at a time. Now, in this case, perhaps you will get a discount from the agent depending on your negotiation skills...

I agree 45 minutes is probably a bit too short. 1 hour is certainly more comfortable, but rather than pay the extra session (UNLESS the girls is very good), I'd rather save the money for another session later in the week or with a different girl. Maybe you could punt during non-peak times. I hear Sunday is quite non-peak although I find it hard to find time during the weekends...

Maybe I made him sound too good, but I would not say that Ah Gai is more relaxed with time than other agents. If a girl is popular, then 45 minutes is 45 minutes. Also if rooms are scarce, then there will be increased sharing of rooms between the girls and that would affect time too.
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Post at 1-4-2010 03:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by angst at 1-4-2010 00:50
I'd rather save the money for another session

A 45-min session is too short, but 1.5 hours is too expensive.
I was once offered one and a half sessions (67 minutes) at
a veggie massage joint for 1.5 times the 45-min rate.

Perhaps some intrepid bros could try requesting that and
see whether it will fly -- it might work on a quiet day with
a girl who hasn't yet developed a following -- and voila! we
would have an intermediate option.

But I have to agree with angst that the extra few hundred
bucks would go well towards another punt instead.
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Post at 1-4-2010 08:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 angst's post

definitely agree with you bro. unless she is siu mut or more, just save the double session and look for another lady later in the day (in my case, as i try to maximize my time in HK) or on another day (for those of you who live in HK).
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Post at 1-4-2010 08:06  Profile P.M. 
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From my experience, a 45 minute session is plenty.  The action only lasts a good 20 minutes or so.  Just spend less time in the shower if you like longer sessions and you should be fine.
Master Mongerer
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Post at 1-4-2010 08:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 sex1's post

I find that the shower and anything before the sex is a good opportunity to build up chemistry between yourself and the girl. all this equals more enjoyable and cleaner sex so I wouldn't rush the shower. obviously I'm careful not to spend too much time in the shower, and I know some girls will deliberately stall for time and spend a really long time in the shower so the sex won't have to last as long (although I've only come across one girl so far who I think may have been trying to do that).

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