Subject: Paying for a service.
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Post at 27-3-2010 21:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 xiaodidi's post

Las Vegas bitches can be a handful.  Did she do anything before she left with your Benjamin?  Some would consider that robbery.  It's definitely punishable by law if you reported it to the police...remember, prostitution is legal in Las Vegas.
smilybob1 (gonzo)
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Post at 28-3-2010 00:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 agamemnon33's post

"remember, prostitution is legal in Las Vegas."
I don't think that is true. Prostitution in Clark County (includes Las Vegas) is illegal but outside county limits it is legal.

On the original post here in Vancouver with most local providers you have to have to pay up front. But when dealing
with the girls from micros some don't ask for the money until the end. The first time that happen I was really surprised
that she would be that trusting. Even though I wouldn't do it, it would take much to walk out without paying after
the act.

[ Last edited by  smilybob1 at 27-3-2010 08:25 ]
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Post at 4-4-2010 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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Paying AFTER  is virtually unheard of it most Western countries.

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Post at 9-4-2010 04:45  Profile P.M. 
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Post at 9-4-2010 05:25  Profile P.M. 
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Typically in Asia --- Service First before Pay. I've monger'ed in Korea, Singapore, Cambodia and Philippines and all the same .... Paid after the service was completed .  

Unlike in Europe and USA. Pay First before Service!

I was a victim of a WG in USA who asked a payment and left me behind in AZ and in TX . Europe definitely Pay before Service, but never got ripped off

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