Subject: QQ help please from Chinese readers....
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 29-8-2010 17:20  Profile P.M. 
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QQ help please from Chinese readers....


Can you have a look at this. I need to write something in a box and all my guesses have been for nowt. I have sent a mail to a chick I met in Shanghai, and want to see her profile (i think that is what I am doing),. anyway, it's asking me for something that I cant work out so please can you help me out.  Cheers in advance

[ Last edited by  akka at 29-8-2010 17:21 ]

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Post at 29-8-2010 18:10  Profile P.M. 
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She is asking you for her QQ. You see the input below the qq drop down? Thats where you need to write down her QQ number.
And the second input field, thats where you write down, I guess CCRD as in the captcha field and then press the button below.
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Post at 29-8-2010 19:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by LEGION at 29-8-2010 18:10
She is asking you for her QQ. You see the input below the qq drop down? Thats where you need to write down her QQ number.
And the second input field, thats where you write down, I guess CCRD as in the ...

OK i have donw that but it says wrong. Any other ideas?

How do you take a piece of cheese from an angry Welshman? Caerphilly
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Post at 29-8-2010 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 akka's post

sometimes it helps to refresh the verification code. I've had a few experiences with QQ when it said I entered the wrong code even when it was right.  just click that blue link right underneath the verification code to refresh it. if that still doesn't work, you might wanna double check her QQ number and see if you made any typos.
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Post at 30-8-2010 02:53  Profile P.M. 
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what exactly is QQ? Some kind of facebook for China?

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Post at 30-8-2010 03:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 shipit's post

it is kind of msn messenger in china.
kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 30-8-2010 12:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 akka's post

for the middle box.
u have to input a password.
this password, u have to get from the girl.
usually they only give to people who they feel comfortable seeing their profile.

one tip.
update your own profile, gender to Female.
it helps.

not every girl on QQ like to have numerous old men from outside China in their "Friends" list.

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