Subject: going to dongguan
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Post at 2-10-2010 18:50  Profile P.M. 
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going to dongguan

hey guys...i  am going to china for 20 days for the canton fair and i will be coming from hongkong....i would like to
dropby zhangmutou since i already know the place from my trip before with my friends. the problem is i do not know
how to there by train from shenzen? can anybody please give me an info on what train to take? i know its the first stop
from shenzen. or is there a train from hong kong that would directly stop at zhangmutou?? thanks in advance
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Post at 2-10-2010 19:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tatarazon's post

You can the train to ZMT from Shenzhen at Louhu, which is literally right next to the Hong Kong/Shenzhen immigration border. The train ticket cost is roughly RMB35 and will take roughly 30 minutes to get there from Shenzhen.
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Post at 3-10-2010 00:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tatarazon's post

After immigration at Luohu, walk to the train station (follow the signs or ask people), then just ask for ticket to ZMT. As easy as that!

If you want more specifics, you'll need to tell us which bit of the process you think you'll have trouble with...

Don't you need directions for getting to GZ and the fare?

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Post at 4-10-2010 11:14  Profile P.M. 
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im guessing that they might not understand me if i ask for directions as to where the train to ZMT is and i might get in the wrong train and end up somewhere else....hehe
and regarding my trip to GZ, i was hoping that someone in the hotel on ZMT can teach me how to get there....i guess i'll take my chances and just ask around and hopefully i
won't end up somewhere else...since i can not speak mandarin to save my life...thanks for the info...for 20 days, i hope to take a lot of pictures to share with you bros here...wish me luck...
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Post at 4-10-2010 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tatarazon's post

Have a good time in DG but don't punish the girls in ZMT like the poor girl you had at the Best Western Hotel in Shenzhen (REPORT HERE). Be gentle.

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Post at 5-10-2010 01:44  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by tatarazon at 2-10-2010 18:50
hey guys...i  am going to china for 20 days for the canton fair and i will be coming from hongkong....i would like to
dropby zhangmutou since i already know the place from my trip before with my frie ...

I think you better be careful because many people said there are many police raids in dongguan now (because there will be Asian Sports game in Nov) - because of that there are not too many gals are available too.

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