Subject: CWB HG
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Post at 1-11-2010 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Hey bros.  

Back in town for some biz meetings.  In a nice CWB Hotel that begins with an R.  Hope this is an OK questions - apologies if it goes astray.  Can some of you PM me the hotels where some of the papa's have some HG's?  Specifically, if you know any that are using this one.  I'd love to punt a little while I am here and if I can do it within the confines of my own hotel would be GREAT.

Thanks in advance.

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Post at 2-11-2010 14:47  Profile P.M. 
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well from what I gather by reading, best if you search the db. You can narrow it down by choosing cwb. The next step is to call the papa and ask if they can visit you in your hotel room. Hotel reservation in newbie thread seems to state that it is you who will go to were the wg is staying as they are only in the country for a couple of weeks. I myself am reading up on these forums as I will be in Hk mid nov. Been to macau where thing were easier but hunting add a little bit of excitement to the mix. Problem is it could go either way but it will still be an experience. Been to hk like 8 times in my life, this is the first time I will try mongering. Glad I can read up first.

Goodluck to you.

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barney.winkel   2-11-2010 20:18  Karma  +2   For taking the time to read up and offer
barney.winkel   2-11-2010 20:18  Acceptance  +2   For taking the time to read up and offer
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Post at 2-11-2010 22:51  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks TeddyBear.  Yes, you have the normal process correct.  Normally, you call PPS and then go to the hotel.  

In my case, I think there are some PPS's who use the hotel in which I am staying.  So, I was/am trying to see if anyone knows for sure, and which PPS that would be, so I can go punting without having to leave my hotel.  I would go to another room, if PPS didn't want them coming to mine.  Pretty convenient, if they are here.
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Post at 3-11-2010 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Ohhhhh..... I see you point, I would love that setup aswell but alas I am on a business trip with colleagues and wouldnt want them to be privy to my escapades... Ninja style
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Post at 3-11-2010 13:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 DiamnondDave's post

PM me the hotel you're staying at, and I'll let you know if there are girls there
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Post at 3-11-2010 20:51  Profile P.M. 
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U have been PM's my good man.



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