Subject: Payment upfront
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Post at 31-10-2010 18:31  Profile P.M. 
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Payment upfront


In a recent HK report, it was asked of the reviewer whether he had made payment upfront:
< ... &extra=page%3D1>

This query really surprised me: is that not standard?  I have never punted anywhere where payment didn't precede any action....

(Apologies for starting new thread, but I am not yet eligible to reply to reports.  In any case, hopefully this is a matter of more general interest than a specific report.)

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Post at 31-10-2010 18:43  Profile P.M. 
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In my HK experience it has always been after the deed, except for an escort agency. In Oz it has always been before.

There is no way i am paying twice so if they want any chance of a tip then wait till you do the work before you get paid.

[ Last edited by  reggid at 31-10-2010 18:44 ]
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Post at 31-10-2010 18:59  Profile P.M. 
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Paying up front can be a bad sign in HK.  It could (not always) mean you are going to get bad service and the girl knows it and is worried you won't pay.
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Post at 31-10-2010 19:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dabbler2's post

This question has been asked before. Please use the forum search for specific questions. ... &extra=page%3D9

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