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Post at 27-11-2010 17:07  Profile Site P.M. 
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Can anyone confirm that if a tourist in Hongkong (with complete identification and documents like passport, flight documents, etc.) is caught having sex with one and only one HG or WG would be jailed for 24-hrs and then deported immediately in his country of origin the following day and would be banned to return to Hongkong? If yes, what should a tourist do (if he wants to punt in Hongkong) to prevent this? What Any immediate response would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:03  Acceptance  -1   Wrong and title too sensationalist!
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Post at 27-11-2010 17:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dwinski's post

your post is asking for confirmation, it means you have heard a rumor? do you have more info about thsi rumor or a link to it?

from what i know, it doesnt happen in HK, but it MAY happen in China

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:03  Acceptance  +1   Yes no place here for "rumours"
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Post at 27-11-2010 18:27  Profile Site P.M. 
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Yes, a friend told me of a story about a Filipino tourist caught by Hongkong police having sex with a HG or WG. Sorry no link and I don't know exactly when did it happen.

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:04  Acceptance  +1   At least try to establish rumours 1st be
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Post at 27-11-2010 19:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 dwinski's post

He may have been referring to a case back in March were 9 filipinos were arrested in connection with the forced prostitution of 2 filipino woman. 2 were found guilty of human trafficking in Hong Kong, with the other 7 being deported.

Unless you intend trafficking WG's I don't think you need to be worried.

[ Last edited by  atomic3d at 28-11-2010 08:26 ]

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:06  Acceptance  +1   Yup n totally unrelated to OP's exhorta
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Post at 27-11-2010 20:09  Profile Site P.M. 
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No definitely not, I am just a simple good old punter hoping for a good time. I also gathered some unconfirmed facts that the tourist who was caught having sex with the HG were tipped off by the HG neighbors. The police allegedly forcefully entered their room and then put the tourist behind bars.

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:07  Acceptance  +1   Glad u said "uncfmd" "allegedly "etc
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Post at 27-11-2010 20:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 dwinski's post

This doesn't sound right. You're just a customer and would not be subjected to deportation if caught. Don't know if this would apply if you were caught having sex with an underaged WG.

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:08  Acceptance  +1   Right on!!
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Post at 27-11-2010 20:41  Profile Site P.M. 
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Possibly, but it would be very unfortunate for the "customer" since he has practically no way of confirming the exact age of the WG.

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:09  Acceptance  -1   When in doubt, back out!
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Post at 28-11-2010 05:35  Profile P.M. 
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You can always ask for ID.  Like the other bro's say, you shouldn't get in trouble for participating in a legal activity in Hong Kong.  If you're caught with someone underage you're in deep doo doo.  So don't let it happen.

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:02  Acceptance  +1   Yup, the ONLY concern.
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Post at 28-11-2010 07:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by johndoe83 at 28-11-2010 05:35
You can always ask for ID.  Like the other bro's say, you shouldn't get in trouble for participating in a legal activity in Hong Kong.  If you're caught with someone underage you're in deep doo doo.   ...

i am not sure if it is legal to be with a PRC HG because they are illegally working.

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SEAJ   28-11-2010 12:02  Acceptance  +1   NOT ur concern her immigation status
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Post at 28-11-2010 12:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dwinski's post

Your title and the opinion/sentiment you've put across here.
In CAPS nonetheless!

Doing WG's - if they are of legal age/there is no illegal substances involved - is NOT illegal and you will NOT get in any trouble in Hong Kong.

Sorry - but have to de-bunk your statements....for after all, this site is dedicated to the art of punting and is here to give accurate and useful information on such services.

edits:  Sorry, apologies, Oops!  - for going point crazy - I love using dem to make my point AND avoid one-liners!  
But/and I did want to really emphasize how wrong OP's original statement/sentiment were!!

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 28-11-2010 12:14 ]

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johndoe83   28-11-2010 15:42  Acceptance  +1   I fully agree.

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