Subject: Overnights
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Post at 25-11-2010 17:15  Profile P.M. 
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How much usually you're paying for overnights, how many pops allowed and how many hours it actually is?
Sorry for asking, but doesn't have experience yet in overnights.
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Post at 25-11-2010 21:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 manilatohk's post

you seem to be asking a lot of questions for which threads and answers already exist and have been asked plenty of times before. may I suggest that you do a search first (link to search function is at the top right corner of the page next to Member List) and see if there are already existing threads and answers to your questions before posting a new thread?

might also help you to read the Getting Started section if you haven't already:
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Post at 26-11-2010 07:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by manilatohk at 25-11-2010 17:15
How much usually you're paying for overnights, how many pops allowed and how many hours it actually is?
Sorry for asking, but doesn't have experience yet in overnights.

bro, asking is fine, if you cannot find the answer in the forum. there are quite a few overnight reports so try to read up first.

overnight usually starts 12 midnight, until anywhere 6-8am the next morning, depending on the girl.

fee usually 3x the one-shot fee.

pops in generally is one or 2 (one evening and one morning). although there have been reports of girls who like the guy so much they didnt sleep much
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Post at 26-11-2010 07:58  Profile P.M. 
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Just negotiate, if you don't make your terms, they will take advantage of you.  But leaders should not be tired of answering repetitive questions.  Obviously the FAQs can be outdated at times and newbies won't read.
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Post at 26-11-2010 08:07  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by barney.winkel at 25-11-2010 21:50
you seem to be asking a lot of questions for which threads and answers already exist and have been asked plenty of times before. may I suggest that you do a search first (link to search function is at ...

I'm sorry to ask, but sometimes the threads are already pretty old so I was just trying to get fresh information.
My humble apology.

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