Subject: Maybe photoshop and makeup isn't so bad
Kinky King
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Post at 7-1-2012 06:47  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe photoshop and makeup isn't so bad

Heh I'm pretty sure some WG on here look like the after photos. ... d-after-makeup.html

Best not book any overnighters eh?

Life is short very...
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Post at 7-1-2012 08:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Kennichi's post

ROFL! Yeah, make up nowadays really do wonders. These ones are still not bad bro. I've seen a more extreme case where the original is disgustingly FUGLY, and after makeup she looks astonishing. It's really scary what makeup can conceal beneath.
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Post at 7-1-2012 08:32  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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That's just fucked up.. I say we all chip in and find the guy that is responsible for photoshop and have him castrated.

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Post at 7-1-2012 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 mrpekz's post

Its not like I will ever have to see an WG in her natural form. frankly alot of thoses after pictures look just as scary as the before picture.

I think it is just because we are spoiled with the wonders of makeup   that girls with out it seem so ugly in comparsion.
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Post at 7-1-2012 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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Almost getting to the point I need to take a large paper bag with me on punts just in case I catch one without make up
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Post at 7-1-2012 13:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 JJJ37's post

My wife is beautiful but when I saw her for the first time without makeup it was similar to the before and after photos. A really dramatic transformation. Now I am used to it. she looks one way when we go out for dinner at night and another way when we wake up in the morning.

Sort of like having the ferrari and then having to crawl under it, getting yourself dirty to change the oil and belts. You have to do the ugly dirty parts to have the beautiful and fun part. Or, like having a cute puppy to play with but you have to at some point clean up his piss and shxt . Its just how life is.   

keep on mongering

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Post at 7-1-2012 13:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Kennichi at 7-1-2012 06:47
Heh I'm pretty sure some WG on here look like the after photos. ... d-after-makeup.html

Best not book any overnighters eh?

I'd rather not punt.  But some of them are fake.
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Post at 8-1-2012 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 Bottom's post

If you look at the bottom of the page of OP's link, you'll discover something worse: ... cross-dressers.html

So a brown paper bag won't save you from what's downstairs
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Post at 8-1-2012 19:42  Profile P.M. 
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yet sometimes the WGs look better without the PS or makeup, if they're hot to start with. Sometimes I feel like they should offer a w/ or w/o make up option.
Kinky King
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Post at 8-1-2012 21:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 gangster's post

I think for a lot of them, the makeup is a way to hide themselves a bit... like wearing sunglasses is for a guy. IN a way, the clothes and the makeup form a kind of "mask" for them - so they can get into character and play the role they need to play... Especially for the bar girls who have to troll around in public - for them, being someone "else" is probably liberating.

But that is just wild supposition. I could be wrong.
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Post at 9-1-2012 13:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 Intenseslacker's post

Good point, I think a lot of them put on makeup, and PS on the DB, so that they can go back to their ordinary lives with traces of having been a WG left lying around on the internet.
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Post at 9-1-2012 17:00  Profile P.M. 
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OMG....I think body cannot fake when playing...
Lustful Lord
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Post at 31-1-2012 09:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 yyy111's post

its clear that it's an Lb from the first picture.

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