Subject: Prophylactic Dosing for STDs
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 15-2-2012 01:59  Profile P.M. 
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Prophylactic Dosing for STDs

You read a bit here and there about guys self-medicating as a preventative measure against STDs.  Whatever your safety strategy is in this hobby is up to you, but it's damn good idea to talk to a doc (or at least read the fine print in the package insert) before you try this strategy.

Slimshanks posted in the STD thread (now in Rubbish Bin): ... &extra=page%3D1

"Actually that is quite funny.  I have always used Listerine on everything after having a session with a WG in my hotel room.  Gargle, splash it on my face area and yes even on L.B. I have remained clean so far, so who knows.  Also a preventatvie Z-pack is good for guys that are worried about bringing something home to their S.O."

The thing is, the dosing of Azithromycin (the antibiotic in Z-pack) varies considerably depending on what you're trying to treat.  If you just grab the 6 course 250mg Z-pack it will tell you to take (2) 250mg pills the first day, and then (1) 250mg pill each day for the next 4 days.  But this treatment is for upper respiratory infections.  The treatment (from the package insert) for Chlamydia isa single dose of 1gram, and for gonnorhea it's a single dose of 2grams (so there's not even enough in a typical Z-pack).  

And, of course, Azithromycin does not cure all and there are strains that are resistant to it (you'll see treatment for the 'clap' vary around the world depending on the locally prevalent strains).  So to be safe, consult thy physician and get the scoop!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 15-2-2012 08:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 TheButler's post

please no discussions on medical matters, especially dosage of medication. thread closed

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