I know that I'm still pretty new here, but I just want to share a piece of my mind on this issue. I hope that this could turn out to be a new perspective for us to look at.
First of all, this is the internet. There is no way for us to be a constant watchdog for this forum. What is the guarantee that those pictures do not appear anywhere else on the internet? People are allowed to post pictures freely without any restrictions.
Secondly, AFAIK, this forum exists for us punters to share information about our experiences, whether good or bad. This sharing of experience is meant for the benefit of other members, to get a broad idea of the WG you visited. We all have different likings/taste in a girl. This is just to avoid the number of bad-punt we have. Of course, pictures can be detrimental since we males are very visual beasts.
Still on this forum:
I assume that we all here exists as a community. We share information within our members. Some members can be more reliable than others. This is why we filter out the unreliable ones by means of putting an RA. The reason for this filtering, is so that these pictures, although uploaded onto the internet, can still be deemed safe from public, and of course the one whose picture was taken of.
I feel that as members of this forum, we have to keep in mind that what is shared by a member here should be kept confidential between us, and not leaked out elsewhere, leave alone the WG. The information shared here is only to be used for our references before visiting a town/a WG, etc so that we do not waste our time there.
On uploading the pictures on this forum:
As I had said above, this forum is a community whereby we share information/pictures/videos, etc. As a member of this forum, I feel that we have every obligations to keep every information secret to public outside of the desired RA. As long as everyone of us keep ourselves under control and behave ourselves, the risk of having this leaked out is very minimal. If you possess pictures which you don't feel comfortable to be shared with this community, then refrain from posting it.
I agree with SEAJ on this issue. If other members in this forum posted a picture of a WG you are acquainted with and you don't feel comfortable with it, it would be best to ask the TS to remove the pictures stating your reasons. If you ask nicely, and you have a good valid reason, I don't think other members here would persist on having it posted here.
On the WG's feelings:
Of course, some of us like bro Goose might consider the girls' feelings and always ask for their consent before posting up pictures. his is because what we are taking picture about and sharing with other people is the WG's privacy. I respect that! By right, that's how it should go. Of course all this picture-taking should be consented. Sneaky pictures are definitely not tolerable.
Again, see whether or not you are comfortable enough with sharing those pictures is all up to you. But handling of this issue should be between you and the poster. Ask nicely, and it will be given (hopefully).
Just my 2 cents.