Subject: Need to get started....?
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Post at 3-3-2012 08:39  Profile P.M. 
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Need to get started....?

Guys I'm so keen to get involved....

WHere is best place to get started....Im completely many offerings...

HElp bro

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Post at 3-3-2012 09:26  Profile P.M. 
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My honest advice, there is really a limit to how much prep you can do.  Start with a 141, it's as easy as it gets. Find a building with a few girls that interest you, and go look for them. If they aren't around, just pound on doors till one does. Once you get the first one out of the way, you'll feel a lot more confident an d you can start being morechoosy...
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Post at 3-3-2012 09:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Intenseslacker's post

well, first of all you should read the Forum Etiquette thread and the FAQ thread in the Forum Guidelines section and understand that there are certain rules in this forum that needs your compliance when you contribute ...

second, you should spend a lot more time reading the different sections in this forum instead of wanting to dive into the deep end after spending 30 mins in this forum ...

third, this is a report section - not for questions, this thread will be moved to the Monger's Lounge section
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Post at 3-3-2012 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ThommieKong's post

This is the best place to get started: ... &extra=page%3D1

Your post should be in the Monger's Lounge, not in a report thread.
devilgodspeed (DGS)
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Post at 3-3-2012 10:14  Profile P.M. 
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i suggest you read first before you start posting so you wont commit too many errors being a newbie.
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Post at 3-3-2012 11:48  Profile P.M. 
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If as a novice you are not comfortable walking around rundown and grotty buildings (which put me off when I first came to Hong Kong but now don't bother me at all) and also don't want to see all of our members wandering around floor after floor up and down the stairwells (although in truth most of the folks that I have running to appear to be those that are on the Chinese side of this forum) then try one of the user-friendly, novice friendly, gwailo friendly bog standard brothels like KP or 37D . The MMS will ease you into it and let you feel your way along, so to speak, and you don't have to worry about being ripped off.

Just my suggestion for a beginner

Keep on mongering
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Post at 3-3-2012 19:27  Profile P.M.  QQ ICQ Status
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It's real easy. Come to Macau and treat me to all the debauchery you can think of or think you want to try and then you'll get a hand held tour of all the horniness you will need all week!  

I'm what you call the sunken titanic....I can't resurface again.....

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