Subject: Are Sunday Morning Wanchai Bars Safe?

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Post at 26-2-2012 07:51  Profile P.M. 
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Are Sunday Morning Wanchai Bars Safe?

I want to venture to Bar 109 or The Bridge and check out the debauchery on a Sunday morning at 8am. However a WG advised me that's it's not safe for a Newbie especially when everyone is drunk. I just woke up and am sober. Thoughts?

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Intenseslacker   26-2-2012 14:13  Karma  +1   It's still HK. It's safe. Just avoid drunk dudes. And report what you find!
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Post at 26-2-2012 09:02  Profile P.M. 
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Go for it.....

It can be crazy and yes you'll find some wickedly drunk peeps and sometimes some shady charachters.  So just keep your eyes open. The Bridge is gone now (replaced by PLAYERS).  Both 109 and Players have bouncers that shut down nastiness pretty quickly, so I dont worry about it much.  Hell, I have seen a lot more fights and drug-use in London bars than I've ever seen in there....

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Post at 26-2-2012 10:58  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks mate. Will venture there with a buddy to be safe... This being the first time
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Post at 26-2-2012 16:26  Profile P.M. 
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just went there

I got a few hours free today.  Hmmmm, what to do in Hong Kong on a sunday at 1:30pm?  Hehe...  Bar 109 it is!  

As usual, for that time, it is packed and rocking with maids plus a few hold-overs stil partying from the nite before.  A few decent stunners about.  A great set of legs are dancing on the bar in a micro-skirt (thanks for that!!).  I think she had a face too, but to be honest my gaze never drifted that high.

I sms'ed my own personal sex-goddess-maid, Angelia.  "Yay" she says when I tell her I'm free.  Hehe..., so sweet.  She's dressed awesomely and her body looks fantastic!  With 2 minutes of meeting she's got me rock hard stroking my dick while I fondle her.  

We watch the carnage.  A VERY sexy gal straight ahead has lifted her shirt to show her tits off to someone.  (Again, thanks for that!!!).  Another gal is getting seriously dry-humped on the dancefloor by her gal-pal.  

A few drinks then we hit the Beverly.  As usual, Angelia raped me and begged me not to cum until I burned thru so much energy I was near blacking-out.  

Sundays in Hong Kong!!

PS: Thai-Delight -- angelia said she saw you outside 109.  Thought you were coming in but when I took a look for ya you were gone.  Too bad....

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slimshanks   26-2-2012 16:44  Karma  +1   
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Post at 26-2-2012 16:44  Profile P.M. 
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Wow I had no idea that so much fun could be had on a Sunday afternoon in Wanchai.  I will have to check things out next time I am in town.  Thanks for the info.
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Post at 27-2-2012 06:51  Profile P.M. 
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I've been in Wanchai on Sundays almost everytime I am in HK, and it is rocking in some of the bars in the afternoon with DHs on day off.
Never felt threatened, and I tend to be in HK on my lonesome.

Personally I think HK is one of the safest places to be on your own.

Have fun bro. Miss the place, not been able to get to HK since last September and missing it badly!

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