Subject: Role Playing when you monger
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 1-3-2012 06:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Chasem's post

I never tell my name or real profession. I almost always use the name Vince from the show Entourage and say that I am a actor. I even ask them if they have heard of me or seen me on tv, and I always laugh when they say yes. Sometimes I say I am a U.S. Navy Seal or even an pilot for a fighter plane hence my nick name Maverick ;)
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Post at 1-3-2012 10:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 maverick16's post

thats SO WEIRD.. i use ARI from Entourage HAHAHAHAH!! most of the girls i get into tell me that i last longer than aloof the men they see and i tell them thats because i am a Yoga Instructor, hence all the weird positions i get them into.

if they have heels i have them put it on and explain it helps tone their legs and brings their centre of gravity nearer to
their bellybutton (bollocks ofcouse) i just like doing them from behind while they stand bent over in heels

i am a sick man
Kinky King
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Post at 1-3-2012 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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I've purposefully made my alter-ego very middle class. If they actually think I have any money, they'll just try to get it out of me. My alter ego has a profession that pays enough to monger - but not enough to do so extravagantly. I dress the part as well - leaving the nice watch at home, etc.

I find it helps my negotiating position.
Kinky King
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Post at 1-3-2012 15:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 davidlong's post

That makes 2 sick men here then... I love having the girls on high heels and banging them from behind too. Especially when the room has a big mirror, I'd ask the girl to bend over with the mirror in front of them...good view of the back and front!

Monger Safely,
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Post at 2-3-2012 21:41  Profile P.M. 
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i usually tell them im a professional poker player and travel around playing cash games and tournaments which is true to some extent. i just thought of a new one i should tell them. i just a house husband, my wife makes the money and i go spend it.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 3-3-2012 02:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 davidlong's post

lol. Last year three of my boys went to Thailand and we used the main characters in Entourage. Ari, Vince, Turtle, and Drama. It was hilarious and we tried to play the part! BTW I am a big heel fan while doing the duty specially with the skirt half on!

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