Subject: Are bros all crazy photographers or are promo shots misleading me>?
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Post at 29-3-2012 00:04  Profile P.M. 
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Are bros all crazy photographers or are promo shots misleading me>?

Evening Bros,

So I decided to take the step from lurker to poster and there's been one question that's been nagging me.

Now I realise that with the Nookie Newbie status I'm only getting access to the tip of the iceberg, but most of the shots that were public alongside reports were really well done!

Very good lightning and at least an entry-level, if not better, SLR (and possibly a healthy dose of post-processing). [Some of the shots had a sex141 watermark while others had a watermark claiming the picture was user contributed]

Now am I just being mislead by promotional shots or is this forum actually a secret hideout for awesome photographers who are too shy to talk about their real hobby and prefer to disguise it amongst something more else?

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Post at 29-3-2012 01:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 mantis201's post

Have you looked in the DB ?  were those the same pics you saw in the reports ?  if not, there's something wrong with our RA system !  BTW ... the pics in the DB are ads in case you didn't know !

Oh, one other thing you need to tell us ... are you registered here under another name ?

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 29-3-2012 01:09 ]
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Post at 29-3-2012 09:37  Profile P.M. 
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Not so many good shots, I'd say :
- 50% are very bad (including me): dark, blur, half body, etc... that's what you get when trying to take a photo of a little giggling WG with your phone in a little room without lighting.
- 20% are average shots, just good enough to see clearly
-15% are good shots, usually with a compact camera
- 5% are great, usually from local punters (photography is a trendy hobby in China)
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Post at 29-3-2012 21:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 29-3-2012 01:07
Have you looked in the DB ?  were those the same pics you saw in the reports ?  if not, there's something wrong with our RA system !  BTW ... the pics in the DB are ads in case you didn't know !

I'd realise the db pics are adds   I'll keep an eye out and if I come across the ones I was thinking off (I'm afraid I don't remember exactly which thread it was) I'll bring it to your attention if it's fishy

Re: Marcopo
Maybe my tip of the iceberg analogy is even more representative than I meant it to be then
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Post at 31-3-2012 09:47  Profile P.M. 
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Some punters here are no doubt friendly with agents through being regulars etc etc and get better opportunity for pics

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