Subject: girl is trying to scam me
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 21-3-2012 23:49  Profile P.M. 
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wachovia68-- playing hypothetical, what do you think you would have done if your wg had just come clean and told you, "dearest, i'm depressed. my mummy is demanding that i try to scam you for xx,xxx rmb.  i wont do it, and wanted you to know.  but, can you help me with something to get her off my back?"

sure, this could be seen as an elevated form of scam, but maybe a bit more palatable?
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Post at 21-3-2012 23:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #61 jetsetting2much's post

Haha...that would be an interesting quandary. Hmm...I guess I'd have to appreciate her honesty if she had sent me such an email. Maybe will just give her RMB 1,000. But if she does the same thing again down the road, I'll be like "dearest, I now into serious financial difficulty. I loss many funds because of global economic crisis. War in Iran. People worrying. Now I going to friends to borrow money". I'll put that all through Google Translate and send it over to her. Will turn out as some gibberish that will confuse her.
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Post at 22-3-2012 01:08  Profile P.M. 
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Did you try to offer medical services?

Tell her to bring the family member to you and you'll bring her to a good dr.
Kinky King
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Post at 22-3-2012 01:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #63 lean9088's post

Haha...nope, I didn't offer to play doctor (aside from the nightly vaginal pumping hehe). I would actually shudder at the thought of meeting her family. The stories I've read about how random relatives will come asking you for money etc will surely prevent me from ever going to meet her family.
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Post at 22-3-2012 03:33  Profile P.M. 
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Fascinating thread. Thanks for bumping it. Out of curiosity did she take the final 3000 HKD or not?
Kinky King
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Post at 22-3-2012 04:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #65 Intenseslacker's post

Hello slacker bro, yes she finally did take it but it took quite a bit of convincing for me to get her to take it. Pretty much just forced it into her handbag.
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Post at 22-3-2012 20:19  Profile P.M. 
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you should offer her something

If she is genuine she would appreciate it.

[ Last edited by  cascos at 22-3-2012 20:22 ]
Kinky King
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Post at 22-3-2012 21:32  Profile P.M. 
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you should offer her something

If she is genuine she would appreciate it.

I don't understand what you mean. If you read my post, I've already offered her the 3K.
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Post at 23-3-2012 15:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #68 Wachovia68's post

I meant that If she in such a dire need she would appreciate any kind of help irrespective

of what she originally wanted.( And the need may not exactly what she says it could be anything

debt trouble maybe or something else )

And forget about the title I thought you haven't communicated her the amount as yet..
Kinky King
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Post at 23-3-2012 19:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #69 cascos's post

Ok, gotcha. Yeah, she's already admitted that she didn't truly need the money the last time round and that it was pretty much a scam.

Anyway, I do know her background quite well and these girls always need the money for some thing or another.

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