Subject: girl is trying to scam me
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Post at 5-10-2011 23:46  Profile P.M. 
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I also learned a few lessons here in Thailand with money demands from WGs.
At first I was also very very generous (in parts stupid) with money.
Now, after nearly 20 years here,  
I have no problem to say: "Sorry today i have no money, honey."
No problem and on the other hand, there are often other sources of money for them.
Certainly also a question of cultural origins. In the Western hemisshäre it is embarrassing to say that you have no money (What a shame), here in Thailand (Asia?) it is not a great problem at all,  
it is often daily life here.
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 6-10-2011 02:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by inbkk at 5-10-2011 10:46 AM

Certainly also a question of cultural origins. In the Western hemisshäre it is embarrassing to say that you have no money (What a shame), here in Thailand (Asia?) it is not a great problem at all,  
it is often daily life here.

I may have to disagree with that.  In asia saving face or having that ego is rather important.  I am not expert in this matter by far but I find this is not the case. Of course I can be mistaken & only speak from my personal experience

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Post at 6-10-2011 03:25  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sirtiger at 6-10-2011 02:49

I may have to disagree with that.  In asia saving face or having that ego is rather important.  I am not expert in this matter by far but I find this is not the case. Of course I can be mistaken &am ...

I got to agree with this...

Anyways... WG or became girlfriend... I am always careful of money...

I think sometimes WG = became prostitutes because they needed the money... poor family background etc etc etc..I think women do not want to go out and hook themselves.. thats what I think...

now.. I think I will always see both side of the coin... If a girl ask me for money.. I will say I think about it.. NOT A STRAIGHT YES OR NO..

I will see her explanation..
Ok parent dying routine... If she ask for example 15k RMB I will say, I will see you ..bring me see your dad and I will believe.. for me seeing is believing.. You have nothing to lose as well.. although I know there are many girls out there in the sea.

@Wachovia68  I believe you do not just want to cut off a relationship like that since you have already know her for a couple of months.. just my 2 cents anyways..

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Post at 6-10-2011 10:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Wachovia68's post

Similar thing happened to me once around a year ago:

Her sister was in a car accident.

First of all she needed 13,000 - I ignored the message

BUT then her family managed to collect 5000, so she needed 8,000 - I ignored the message

Then she only needed 3,000 because she sold her laptop, TV etc etc - I ignored the message

A week later everything was fine, her boss borrowed her the money. She apologised for even having to ask me for the money in the first place...

I did not even know her that long, maybe 2/3 months - only met up with her once a week and I did not give her anything close to the money you have given to this chick.

I would burn bridges, ignore her and see what she does next.

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Post at 6-10-2011 11:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #44 Petay_1283's post

I had a similar experience when I first punt in China. My first time punting at CP and met this Assistant Mummy (read my CP - Chronicles of a Banana Man). Went thru exactly the same thing except it was her brother. Subsequently we still kept in contact. I ignored her and nothing happened. We are still in communication per se until she got married and still in communication. Funny right? I totally agree burn bridges, ignore her and see what she does next. As indicated above on my posting they are SURVIVORS.
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Post at 6-10-2011 12:20  Profile P.M. 
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I disagree with the advice to ignore.  Maybe it is a scam, maybe it is true, maybe you will never know, but the possibility exists that she is going through a tough time.  

You've made your decision not to send money - what was asked in the original post was whether to ignore the girl or not.  I'd suggest you give her the benefit of the doubt and a respectful explanation of your decision.  After all, words are free.

Now you think that it is a scam, and are probably right.  But if it were true, would you help or not?  If so, give her the opportunity to provide some proof.
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Post at 6-10-2011 12:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #45 season's post

nice to see a wide spectrum of differing views in this thread

not just a knee-jerk "she's a whore, what did you expect"

here's my view

We live in Asia - you're not in Kansas any more - and there isn't a concept of state welfare.  
When things go wrong, people don't have insurance to pick up the tab
and they don't have national insurance
but somehow they still have to pay the bills

those that have good earning capacity combined with good money habits have savings, and pay their bills from their savings
but that's the minority

for the majority, there are no savings
except the savings held by "somebody out there" in their network, who maybe got lucky this week, or maybe saved a bit for a rainy day, or is a bit richer than average

Asking for money is normal.

Heck coming from Europe even just talking about your salary is a taboo - crass - you certainly don't walk up to a stranger and ask them how much they earn.  But here it's normal.  If you travel in China and elsewhere in Asia, you can pretty much guarantee that salary comes up as a question in the first 10 minutes of meeting a complete stranger for the first time.  

It's inevitable that in the clash of cultures, Asian people - used to asking for money - will positively enjoy asking westerners for money, watching them squirm, and then often giving in on the (culturally Western) logic that if someone's so desperate as to ask, it must be really important.  

Of course, for those who are used to asking for money, hearing "no, I can't give you any money" is also very normal.

so saying no doesn't mean the end of the relationship

You've been pretty generous with her: of COURSE she's going to ask you if she hits a real need.  

and of course she will understand if you say no

... and her reaction is the ONLY point at which you can tell the difference between a genuine call for help from someone she feels comfortable with, and a scam artist who was pretending all along.  

And I still wonder: if giving her a big gift is so easy for you, why not do it anyway?  If the amount seems high, give her a smaller amount - an amount you could afford to see go away.  That is also culturally appropriate in an environment where tapping your friends is the way to deal with one of life's cash-call problem.  

Reciprocation is hard-wired in humans.  You seem to like her, she seems to like you, and being "a friend in need" is a good way to get a reciprocal response from her, on the balance of probability that she may well not be a scammer.

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Petay_1283   7-10-2011 12:22  Karma  +1   Well said D
doghead   6-10-2011 22:34  Karma  +1   I always set expectations with meals at daipaidongs in shorts/slippers.
sirtiger   6-10-2011 20:56  Acceptance  +5   BEST advice as usual from the mayor!
inbkk   6-10-2011 20:20  Acceptance  +2   Heck coming from Europe,..100% agree.
wander   6-10-2011 17:49  Karma  +1   Very well put! This is why I have helped on occasion.
Wachovia68   6-10-2011 16:41  Karma  +3   Thank you for insights
devilgodspeed   6-10-2011 14:10  Acceptance  +1   Great!

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Post at 6-10-2011 15:15  Profile P.M. 
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Well depends how the girl looks - if she is super model pretty then what's RMB 15000 - there are much bigger scams out there!
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Post at 6-10-2011 17:56  Profile P.M. 
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I advised caution regardless. It is One in a Million that are sincere out there.
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Post at 6-10-2011 19:26  Profile Blog P.M. 
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wg and money. aint it always something.

i think you are in a tough spot but in a situation that many of us mongers try to avoid but often get trapped in.

i tend not to get so GFish with a wg, even though i have a few regulars that i call for a no hassle release. i tend to open a room, the girl shows up get what im after and i tend to get dressed before the girls are out of the shower and home to sleep.

that being said, ive had a regular for a few years now and ive never given her money cause she is proud person in general.


i think you should just try and see if she can work it out herself, she aint the only family member who can help out. i like wander's solution with a direct response of "im generous with you and i dont skimp, but dont ask me to send you money for no reason"

there are other fish in the sea and plenty of 7/10

good luck, hope you dont lose your head.

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Post at 6-10-2011 20:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #42 sirtiger's post

" ...In asia saving face or having that ego is rather important."
Thinking more like this:
I am rich (Land, Houses, Cars, Stocks), "but today i have no cash (left over) honey",
especially for a WG in a situation ur not shure about her and her needs.
Give u time for a decision, and a "no" normaly doen´t mean the end of a friend-/relationship.
But if your "no" brings the relationship to an end because of money, then ur decision was right!
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Post at 7-10-2011 08:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #51 inbkk's post

Why are we debating this as a pay / don't-pay situation?  
It's not: No reason to feel pressure to pay the full amount of a request!!  

you know how it works

One guy is really generous - and gives her half
Someone else (maybe an aunt) - can afford to give her a quarter
A friend - lends her an eigth of the amount
someone donates a sixteenth
she finds a 1/32 in a piggy-bank she forgot about
and gets a job for a day to source 1/64
and ...

... pretty soon she has the full amount.  

You don't NEED to be the hero on the white charger who completely solves her problem and makes it go away

UNLESS you CAN afford it, AND feel the money really doesn't matter to you in the context of your relationship, AND want to take that role in her life.  
If you don't tick all the boxes, don't do it.  

For sure, a man giving his earnings to a woman in exchange for companionship, work, and for sex, is something that happens far more often than a woman being the bread-winner.  It's normal.  Why sweat it?  If you can afford it, give, but only give what you can afford.  If you can't, don't, and move on ...  

... knowing all along ... some other dude who is a bit richer and a bit more generous than you might take your place ...

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doghead   7-10-2011 12:47  Acceptance  +1   Totally agree. I have seen it in action myself.

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Post at 7-10-2011 15:41  Profile P.M. 
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or tell her that you are deeply shocked and touched by the news and you want to see her and her family immediately to help her our. once she got this news you will get a very quick reply and then you know waht is going on
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Post at 7-10-2011 20:05  Profile P.M. 
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Hey guys, thanks again for all your insight and comments. Quite interesting to see the range of views along the spectrum.

Anyway, I still haven't responded at all and just a couple of hours ago, I got this email from her.


Google Translated - You recently busy? Why do you ignore me, I'm sorry!

So what do you all make of this? Looks she's given up on her scam attempt, at least for now.
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Post at 7-10-2011 20:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #54 Wachovia68's post

If thats the way you treat all the WGs, by being that kind and generous, i'm sure they'll all come after you, they even even forget you.
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Post at 7-10-2011 20:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #55 devilgodspeed's post

Nope, I don't treat all WGs this way. She's the one that I've treated the best since I've gone on trips with her. For other WGs, those that I get along with I've done Overnights with or leave a small tip. I actually would like to go on trips with some of the others but the logistics never worked out.
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Post at 7-10-2011 20:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #56 Wachovia68's post

Then both of you have developed chemistry, u seemed to enjoy each other's company so i'm sure you miss her as she misses you.
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Post at 7-10-2011 22:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #54 Wachovia68's post


A quick correction of Google's translation, small but perhaps important distinction to you.  The last thing she says means "I'm sad", not "I'm sorry".

I totally feel your dilemma.  I'm actually in 2 casual-sex relationships with 2 civvies in Shenzhen.  I've always been generous with them, and have taken trips like you as well.  I've always felt I could trust them.  Neither has ever asked me for money.  Even so, I sometime wonder if one of them will one day, and i dread having to make a decision.  Nothing to add other than what the others have said.  Just let you know I feel you man!

Not to call the other opinions noise (I think most are insightful and supportive), but to quote the Steve Jobs (May He Rest In Peace), "Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
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Post at 7-10-2011 22:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #58 freakius's post

Thanks man for correcting the is an important distinction.

I think I'll just let her think about it for a few more days before I reply. She must be kicking herself at how she botched this scam attempt.
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Post at 21-3-2012 22:43  Profile P.M. 
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Bros, with all the recent discussion in the Monger's Lounge about sinking or girls scamming, I thought it's worthwhile to bump this up and update you guys about what happened.

Anyway, after the posts above, I emailed her and just told her that I didn't have money. That I'm having financial difficulties myself and money is short at my end. She replied that she understood and that she managed to get help from relatives (surprise surprise....).

We still kept in touch by email after that, just talked about stuff, etc. No money talk.

Anyway, I met her again in Feb a few weeks ago. I was in Macau and had some business to take care of in HK. So I emailed her and asked her if she wanted to join me. She said ok and I transferred her RMB 1000 so that she could a) Take the train down & b) Pay her colleagues a bit to cover the days when she's not at work.

We spent 4 days together in HK and it was quite nice. This time, we didn't do any shopping except for some clothes that cost about HKD 700 in total. One of the nights, I asked her why she emailed me to ask for money and told her upfront that I know she's not being truthful and PRC girls have a bad rep for this. She broke down in front of me and admitted that it was a lie. That the reason she emailed me was cos her mum needed the money to pay off some colleagues at work. Her mum knows that she has a foreigner as a bf (ie, me) and told her to ask me for the money. She said that she was initially hesitant but her mum pressured her to do so. And she was furious with her mum when I rejected cos she knew that I saw the scam and she was upset that her mum made her do something that would piss me off.

I told her that truly I was pissed and I really didn't like that. We then made sweet sweet loving and I could feel the intensity of the make-up sex. So it was all good after that.

At the end of my trip, I gave her HKD 3,000 (basically my balance HKD in my wallet) and she refused to take it. Forced it upon her and she still refused. At one point, she ranted something in Mandarin along the lines of "I'm no longer in that don't have to pay me!" (my Mandarin sucks but I think I got the drift). But since she's spent 4 days with me, I thought that it's fair that she gets paid something. Just told her that I know she needs the money and  she should take it.

So yeah, that's that. I guess it turned out not so bad after all.

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redwearer   22-3-2012 10:02  Acceptance  +1   all's well ends well

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