Subject: Protecting your Identity: Do you do it?
Kinky King
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Post at 30-3-2012 07:35  Profile P.M. 
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I am careful but not MI5/CIA
-In HK safety not much of an issue but I NEVER use my phone. Actually don't call for several reasons. Like the thrill of not knowing who is available. Making appointments means you really want to see so WG a bit too much IMHO.  Don't ever want a surprise call and carrying a punting phone has its own risks, like my memory (where'd I put that thing?)

-Other places safety is an issue. I agree, be aware of your surroundings, if you feel uneasy get out. Your gut feeling is probably right. Didn't follow that instinct once in Shanghai and paid the price.   [Golden role in Shanghai is never follow a toot you meet on the street.] Carry minamal cash and cards but I do have at least one ID.

You name? Who cares, they mostly can't remember yours among hundreds and I can't remember theirs. Although I keep a record of good sauna gals #'s, their sauna # not phone.
Kinky King
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Post at 30-3-2012 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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One point about mongering in Japan

In Japan, one thing you should keep in mind is you always have your passport (or gaijin card for residents) on you. This is required by law, and woe be to you who are found w/o one. You will be arrested, and you will have to stay at the police station until someone gets it for you from wherever it is.

Japan is safe enough that the odds of you getting in trouble and getting it snagged are pretty minimal, but the odds of being accosted by a bored/racist cop and hassled for not having it on you are high. if you are accosted punting (for whatever reason) you're going to the local police station until someone brings it to you. And then you get to explain WTF you were doing wherever you were to whoever had to bring your ID to you.

But that's Japan. Other places have different rules.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 1-4-2012 00:04  Profile P.M. 
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Any bros know if mobile numbers can be used to locate Facebook IDs?.......

One time during an "impulsive" visit I left my real mobile no (but with alias name)....several days later I received a friend request on Facebook (my Real name!  ) by the WG. Still can't figure out how she did it....

Recent Ratings
Intenseslacker   1-4-2012 08:43  Karma  +3   Yes, you can. That's how she did it.

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