Subject: Best pooning session you've had?
Lustful Lord
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Post at 12-5-2012 12:35  Profile P.M. 
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Best pooning session you've had?

I don't remember exactly how long ago this was, but it was more than five years ago that's for sure.

It was actually at a massage parlor and some really old papasan told me that some new girl had come in and was very good and that I was sure to be pleased.

Never seen the papasan so enthuastic before, so I thought why not and give it a try.

Get into the room, see a Chinese girl in her mid twenties or so.  A bit more than average looking, but a pretty nice body.  Didn't think too much at first.  

She asked me what I wanted and I asked for the menu pricing.  I decided to go for the nude BBBJCIM for $80 which was a pretty good deal and something that I was in the mood for.

As soon as the clothes went off and we hit the shower, I was in BBBJ heaven.  The girl was a deep throat specialist and could suck like a Dyson vacuum.  She kept going like the energizer bunny and just did not stop all the while we were in the shower and this was for a good 10 minutes until I blew in her warm, soothing mouth.  

Stepped outta the shower, had some more time to kill so she offered a massage while being nude, but it was really wasn't a massage.  She was fiddling around and teasing LB and before I knew it I was rock hard again.  And even more shockingly she went down and started giving me another BBBJ!  

Now I hesitated her to stop and told her I only had $80 on me and I couldn't pay her anymore.  But she said it was okay and I could cum as many times as I wanted within the alloted 45 minutes.  I was like - no fucking way???  Sure thing then!!! Blow away and she did.  

Didn't really take long to reach the second shot surprisingly and the gal worked hard and furiously, and again I came in her mouth.

So after this, I figure I am really done, but I still have 15 minutes left on the clock.  This gal then goes, "One more?"  

Now I'm just all smiles and say sure, but give me a couple of minutes to catch my breath.  So she goes and gives me a nice tit rub, let's me play with her kitty and before I know it her mouth is down and around LB again.  The third time took a while to unload, in fact I went a few minutes over the clock.  But she still managed to really get it out and again it was CIM.  

She never swallowed, but each time held it in her mouth till I finished.  A real trooper, really hard working gal, and seriously loved her BJs.  I still remember it like it was yesterday and I remember her face and body as well.  Her name was Nancy.  I usually don't remember most gals at these places, but this is one I will never ever forget.

PS: Last time I had 3 shots within an hour was when I was 15.

Recent Ratings
virginboy   12-5-2012 18:28  Karma  +4   sure keeper
HuangpuGuy   12-5-2012 17:53  Acceptance  +1   I would have proposed.

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