Subject: Free green
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Post at 21-5-2012 20:12  Profile P.M. 
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Free green

Hi guys !
Does any one got a report on her :

Thank you !
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Post at 21-5-2012 23:39  Profile P.M. 
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Holy... idk if I find that good or bad... mostly just shocked for now... she could seriously knock someone out.
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Post at 22-5-2012 01:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by raining_day at 21-5-2012 20:12
Hi guys !
Does any one got a report on her :

Thank you !

Hi, raining_day!

Let's use this as an opportunity to learn how to search...  

Go to the Search bar...  It asks for "Keywords"...  The most obvious keyword would be "Free Green"...  But I'm not sure how to search on multiple words.  So I would try "Green"...  Set "Search Mode" = "Full Text"...  For "Search Forum" I generally use "Reports by Nookie Newbies", "Hong Kong - Hotel Walk-in" (or "Hong Kong -- 141 Walk-up & Others"), "Restricted Access Reports", and "Monger's Lounge"...

This brings up 372 posts...  not obviously useful (although I would suggest checking out the pictures in the 19th post in this list, by MickJag!)...

Surely there must be a better way to search...  and there is...

Notice the number (4805) after her name in the DB profile.  This number also appears in her DB profile web link.  Since every responsible poster includes the web link in a review, searching on the profile number will access virtually all reviews.  So repeat the search process, this time with "4805" as keyword.  This brings up 4 posts (two of which are yours).  The fourth post ( is relevant...  Post #18 in that thread contains a short review...

Originally posted by satisfaction at 24-2-2012 00:10
Well I just tried as promised. Not much to write, basically what you see is what you get, massive real breasts but a bit thick on the waist, very decent skills and service. For people with crazy breast fetish she is an ok choice....

That's not much...  But I think it's all there is on this board...

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 22-5-2012 02:06  Profile P.M. 
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Goodness, that is humongous! Be careful with that one, she can kill you if she leans forward too much when she's on top

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